Viridor and Prosiect Gwyrdd Community Fund

The Viridor and Prosiect Gwyrdd Community Fund is a £50,000 per annum donation that Viridor has committed to make available to community initiatives that operate in the local authority regions that make up Prosiect Gwyrdd;
Caerphilly, Cardiff, Monmouthshire, Newport and Vale of Glamorgan. The donation will be made available each year from April 2016 for 25 years. This represents the term of the Prosiect Gwyrdd contract for Viridor to handle the treatment of its residual (non-recyclable) waste at the Trident Park Energy Recovery Facility, Cardiff.

Funding of projects is awarded on a set of criteria based around sustainability, local need, community involvement, value for money and education. All projects that meet these initial application requirements will then be scored on the 10 factors identifi ed below.

Applications must score a minimum of 7 points from the 10 points available below to be eligible for funding – local need; community participation, partnership and benefit; sustainability; environmental benefit; education,

lifelong learning and skills; value for money; social inclusion and breadth of engagement; engagement with a variety of access points; projects that offer a strong benefit in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) will be awarded an extra point; projects within the local authority boundary of Trident Park ERF will be awarded an extra point.  

Who’s entitled to apply?

Any organisation or group, which is properly constituted, not-for-profit and not controlled by a local authority can apply for funding. The number of applications that one project can make over a given period will be restricted to one per project per year.

How to apply

Application forms are available on line at Completed forms should be returned by email to or by post to the following address: Cardiff ERF Community Fund Trident Park, Glass Avenue, Cardiff, CF24 5EN.

What is the level of grant available?

Projects will be granted funding up to £3000.

How often are grant applications considered?

Applications that meet the criteria of the Fund are reviewed quarterly by an independent panel, including a representative of Prosiect Gwyrdd, Viridor and members of the local community. Panel meetings will be held quarterly towards the fi rst week of the month in March, June, September and November. The closing date for applications will be one month before the panel meeting.