About the Project
The UK Government and The Welsh Assembly Government has made clear that waste flows should be managed in a way that minimises long term damage to the environment and is sustainable for future generations.
The waste management hierachy has been set:
- Reduce the amount of waste produced
- Reuse as much waste as possible
- Recycle that which cannot be reused
- Recover value from that which cannot be recycled
- Dispose of that from which value cannot be recovered
Each of the partners is looking to implement this hierarchy and great strides have been made to recycle and compost as much waste as possible. The Welsh Assembly Government has set a 70% combined target for 2025 and the priority for each of the partners is to meet this target.
Go to Recycling page
The combined municipal waste of the five local authorities is 475,000 tonnes, which is 40% of the total municipal waste in Wales. After recycling and composting 70% of this waste, the partnership is committed to finding a long term solution to the remaining waste (residual waste).
What is Prosiect Gwyrdd’s aim?
A Partnership to deliver the best long term, environmental, sustainable and cost effective solution for waste after recycling and composting has been maximised. By all of the authorities working together, simple economies of scale show that regional working is the best way forward to provide best value for the tax payer.
The Welsh Assembly Government has expressed that local authorities should jointly develop sustainable regional waste management, through their ‘Making the Connections Agenda’.
How did the procurement operate?
The partnership is made up via a number of levels. Project management groups have been set up looking at financial, legal, technical, communications and procurement issues. This is then fed to a management group set up to steer day-to-day business. The management group reports to an elected representative body that is accountable for the decisions.
Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee
Did you know?
- The decomposition of waste in the absence of air, gives off methane. As a molecule, methane is 23 times more potent as a green house gas than carbon dioxide.
- In the UK approximately 2.4 million tonnes of methane is release each year. Emissions from municipal solid waste landfill sites account for 27% of the national total.
- Methane is recovered from landfill operations, but the collection rate at best is only 10%. This has to be compared to residual waste treatment plants where the collection rates are between 40-60%.
Landfill has historically been the chosen method to deal with waste. This cannot continue and a solution has to be found.
- A third of all the food we buy ends up being thrown away.
- In Wales we throw away 330 000 tonnes of food waste each year.
- Organic waste, such as fruit, vegetables and tea bags make up to 38% of the contents of the average dustbin.
- An estimated 6.7 million tonnes of household food waste is produced each year in the UK, most of which could be eaten.
Each of the local authorities in Prosiect Gwyrdd are committed to divert as much food waste as possible for composting and plans are underway to implement new schemes.
- Every year in the UK, we throw away 28 million tonnes of rubbish from households. This weighs the same as three and a half million double decker buses.
- Every day 80 million food and drink cans end up in landfill.
- In the UK, we fill about 300 million square metres of land with rubbish each year.
- We produce 20 times more plastic in the UK than we did 50 years ago.
Each of the local authorities in Prosiect Gwyrdd is committed to recycling and composting as much waste as practically possible. Residents have a duty to reduce and reuse as much waste as possible so that we can all improve the environment. Waste is everyone's problem.
Wyddech chi?
- Mae gwastraff sy'n dadelfennu heb aer yn cynhyrchu methan. Fel moleciwl, mae methan yn gallu cynhyrchu 23 gwaith yn fwy o nwyon ty gwydr nag yw carbon deuocsid.
- Yn y DU, rhyddheir oddeutu 2.4 miliwn o dunelli o fethan bob blwyddyn. Mae allyriadau o wastraff dinesig solid mewn safleoedd tirlenwi yn 27% o'r cyfanswm cenedlaethol.
- Cesglir methan o weithredoedd tirlenwi, ond 10% ar y mwyaf yw'r gyfradd gasglu. Rhaid cymharu hwn â gwaith trin gwastraff gweddilliol lle mae'r cyfraddau casglu'n llawer uwch (gweler y tudalen dewisiadau).
Tirlenwi yw'r modd traddodiadol o ddelio â gwastraff. Ni all hyn barhau ac mae'n rhaid cael hyd i ateb arall.
- Mae un rhain o dair o'r bwyd a brynwn yn cael ei daflu yn y pen draw.
- Yng Nghymru, rydym yn taflu 330,000 tunnell o wastraff bwyd bob blwyddyn.
- Gwastraff organig, megis ffrwythau, llysiau a bagiau te, yw hyd at 38% o gynnwys bin arferol.
- Cynhyrchir oddeutu 6.7 miliwn o dunelli o wastraff bwyd cartref yn flynyddol yn y DU, a gellir bod wedi bwyta'r rhan fwyaf ohono.
Mae pob un o'r awdurdodau lleol sy'n rhan o Broject Gwyrdd wedi ymrwymo at ddargyfeirio cymaint o wastraff bwyd â phosibl i gael ei gompostio. Mae cyllid wedi'i glustnodi gan Lywodraeth y Cynulliad ar gyfer pob awdurdod.
- Rydym yn taflu 28 miliwn o dunelli o sbwriel o gartrefi bob blwyddyn yn y DU. Mae hyn yn pwyso'r un faint â thua tair miliwn a hanner o fysus deulawr.
- Mae 80 miliwn o dunelli o ganiau bwyd a diod yn mynd i safleoedd tirlenwi bob dydd.
- Yn y DU rydym yn llenwi tua 300 miliwn o fetrau sgwâr o dir gyda sbwriel bob blwyddyn.
- Rydym yn cynhyrchu 20 gwaith mwy o blastig yn y DU nag oeddem yn ei wneud hanner canrif yn ôl.
Mae pob un o'r awdurdodau lleol sy'n rhan o Project Gwyrdd wedi ymrwymo at ailgylchu a chompostio gymaint o wastraff ag sy'n bosibl. Mae dyletswydd ar breswylwyr i leihau ac ailddefnyddio gymaint o wastraff â phosibl er mwyn i ni gyd wella'r amgylchedd. Mae gwastraff yn broblem i bawb.
What is the current situation with the partnership?
Prosiect Gwyrdd advertised the requirements of the partnership on a technology neutral basis to the global market in 2009. Procurements such as this are carried out in line with European Law and the various stages the partnership has gone through are shown on the Procurement page.
Each partner authority has approved Viridor as the preferred bidder and further information on the successful company and the technology proposed can be viewed through the preferred bidder page and the energy from waste page.
The contract has now been signed by Cardiff Council as the Lead Authority and a Joint Working Agreement has been signed by each of the partner authorities.
How has Prosiect Gwyrdd communicated with the public and key stakeholders?
The Project provided over 50 public events for residents and stakeholders by the time the procurement ended. These events were held in all 5 local authorities through the various stages of the procurement to support the proposals that had been brought forward through the tendering process.
All of these events were advertised to the public and key stakeholders and the press releases and newsletters can be viewed through the news section of the website.
Who are the stakeholders
- Welsh Assembly Government.
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
- Elected Members, MPs, AMs and other key politicians.
- Environmental organisations, Environment Agency.
- Chartered Institute for Waste Management.
- Local communities in the 5 local authorities.
- Trade Unions.
- Local environmental groups.
- Other neighbouring authorities.
- Statutory partners e.g. Local Health Board and NHS Trust.
- The private sector business community.
- Private waste industry.
- Council staff at the 5 authorities.
- Advisory organisations- Waste Awareness Wales.
What technology was proposed by the market?
Energy from Waste page