The Partnership comprises of Cardiff Council, Caerphilly County Borough Council, Monmouthshire County Council, Newport City Council and The Vale of Glamorgan Council and is one of a number of procurement partnerships that are participating in a programme of projects for the treatment of residual and food waste supported by the Welsh Assembly Government.
The procurement is being conducted in accordance with the Competitive Dialogue Procedure under the EU Public Sector Procurement Directive (2004/18/EC), implemented into UK law via the Public Contracts Regulations SI 2006/5 with effect from 31 January 2006.
The Guiding Principles outlined in the Public Contract Regulations SI 2006/5 are:
Detailed information in relation to the Competitive Dialogue Procedure can be accessed via
The following summary highlights the key milestones of the Procurement undertaken to date looking forward to the contract award.
An Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Prior Information Notice (PIN) was issued in 2006. A PIN is a voluntary notice aimed at giving potential organisations advance notice of the Partnerships’ intention for this project. Twenty-Two (22) organisations responded, indicating a strong market interest for such a project. The initial technical solutions ranged from:
Reports were initially submitted to the four (4) Councils, with the exception of Caerphilly CBC, which at that time, had not joined the Partnership.
A reference technology was stated within the OBC to ensure that a single option had the potential to provide an affordable and deliverable solution for each patners’ Waste Strategy. The referencing of a technology does not predetermine the output of the Procurement process. The reference technology was selected using the evaluation criteria in accordance with the WAG’s National Evaluation Framework.
Key consultation work undertaken on the evaluation criteria and weightings.
The detailed Contract Notice provided in depth information in relation to the project and stated: ‘The partnership does not intend to specify a particular technology solution and will therefore consider any technology solution that meets the Partnership’s requirements.’
A pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) was made available to all interested Participants who responded to the OJEU Contract Notice.
The PQQ exercise considered the expressions of interest submitted by Potential Providers, looking at:
The Joint Committee governing the Project agreed the overall Criteria and Weightings and these are set for the duration of the Procurement. A detailed evaluation exercise will be conducted by the Partnership at each stage of the Competitive Dialogue Procedure. The Solutions will be scored against Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and 4 criteria. The detailed evaluation criteria, methodology and scoring frameworks will be communicated to all Participants at all stages of the Procurement process.
The invitation to Participate in Dialogue documentation includes, amongst other detailed information, the Invitation to Submit Outline Solutions (ISOS). This represented the first stage of the Competitive Dialogue Procedure. The purpose of the ISOS was to initiate and develop dialogue with the selected Participants with a view of identifying the Most Economically Advantageous Tender which best meets the Partnership’s requirements for the Project.
The Participants invited to participate in the Competitive Dialogue Procedure are listed below in alphabetical order:
The ISOS questionnaire within the ITPD documentation gave Participants the opportunity to present their Solution(s) and demonstrate why they should be invited to participate in the Competitive Dialogue Procedure.
The evaluation of the ‘Outline Solutions’ was undertaken in accordance with the pre-determined published evaluation criteria, methodology and scoring frameworks as set out in the ITPD documentation. For each solution, the following areas were evaluated:
Covanta Energy Ltd: Covanta Energy Ltd is proposing a merchant Energy from Waste (EfW) facility located at Brig y Cwm, Merthyr Tydfil.
Veolia ES Aurora Ltd: Veolia ES Aurora Ltd is proposing an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) located at Bowlease Common, South of the existing Corus Llanwern Steelworks, Newport.
Viridor Waste Management Ltd: Viridor Waste Management Ltd is proposing a merchant Energy from Waste (EfW) with Combined Heat and Power facility located at Trident Park, Cardiff.
Waste Recycling Group Ltd: Waste Recycling Group Ltd is proposing an Energy from Waste facility located at Cardiff Road, Dow Corning, Barry.
This stage of the Competitive Dialogue Procedure requires the Short listed Participants to further refine their Outline Solutions and ultimately submit a detailed submission of their Solutions.
This stage of the Competitive Dialogue Procedure outlines the Partnership's requirements for the submission of the Final Tenders following the evaluation of the Participants Detailed Solutions.
The distribution of the ISFT document does not mark the conclusion of the Dialogue phase for the Competitive Dialogue Procedure. The Partnership shall determine when Dialogue shall be closed and Final Tenders requested.
Closure of Dialogue: Following approval from the Project Board and the Welsh Government on October 17 2012, Competitive Dialogue was closed on October 19 2012.
Following an in depth evaluation process, the shortlist was announced and the following companies were invited to submit final tenders.
Veolia ES Aurora Ltd - Llanwern Steelworks in Newport
Viridor Waste Management Ltd - Trident Park in Cardiff
The aim of this stage was to finalise all elements of the proposed solutions and to close out any significant outstanding issues. It is important to note that the Partnership was inviting Participants to submit Final Tenders based upon their proposal at the detailed stage of the procurement process.
The Final Tenders were evaluated in accordance with the agreed and published evaluation methodology and the Public Contract Regulations and Viridor was recommended by the Project Board on January 30th to the Joint Committee on February 7 and approved by each Council between February 26 and March 6.
Following the Partnership discharging its obligations on debriefing and Alcatel obligations to the unsuccessful participants. The contractual documentation was finalised within the stated parameters of the Preferred Bidder Letter. The Contract was awarded to Viridor Waste Management Ltd - Trident Park in Cardiff on 10th December 2013.
An award notice was advertised in the European Journal. (PDF, 93Kb)
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