FFURFLENNI AR-LEIN: Ni fydd rhai ffurflenni ar-lein ar gael rhwng 5:00am a 8:00am ar y 05 Mai 2024, tra byddwn yn gwneud gwaith cynnal a chadw hanfodol.  Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra y gall hyn ei achosi

ONLINE FORMS: Some of our online forms will be unavailable between 5:00am and 8:00am on the 05 May 2024, whilst we carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

AskSARA (Ask Sara)

Make life easier in three simple steps with AskSARA...

Impartial advice about equipment to help make daily living easier

AskSARA helps you find useful information about products that make daily living easier. 

AskSARA is an online guided advice tool created in partnership with the Disabled Living Foundation’s Living Made Easy programme. It provides impartial advice about suitable assistive technology solutions that enable older people, and disabled people of all ages, to live independently and maintain their chosen lifestyle. 

Visit our website and take these three easy steps:

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2- Answer some questions

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