Issues with Engagement
Type of Engagement

What Is This?

This is a tool for thinking about the fact that the type of engagement can become an engagement issue in itself.

What Is Its Use?

The tool has two uses. Firstly, it reminds us that people are different and need to be engaged as citizens in different ways. Secondly, it makes you think about the type of engagement on offer because this can affect whether people get involved or not.

Type Of Engagement

Here are two mini-stories that also appear in the Barriers section of the TOOLKIT.

Beryl sees a poster for a meeting about making the streets safer for older people. The meeting is going to be held on November 30th at 7:30 pm about a mile away from Beryl’s home. Beryl would like to go but doesn’t have any transport. Her arthritis is playing her up. And anyway, last time she went along to a meeting like this, she never got a chance to speak.

Sam also sees a poster for a meeting about making the streets safer for older people. This meeting is on June 20th at 2pm. Sam works full-time and is caring for his elderly mother – not to mention his grandchildren. Sam is concerned about safety on the streets and used to be active in Neighbourhood Watch but he just doesn’t have the time – especially in the middle of the day.

Things to consider:

  • Will a “one-size-fits-all” approach to engagement work for both Beryl and Sam?
  • Does the timing and location of the meetings suggest that the “powers-that-be” are really interested in Beryl and Sam’s views?
  • Sam phones his Local Authority to ask if the meeting will be repeated in the evening. ‘No’ is the answer. What’s Sam’s opinion of citizen engagement now?
  • Beryl is encouraged to participate ‘on-line’. However Beryl has no computer and the arthritis in her hands would prevent her using a PC easily. What’s Beryl’s opinion of citizen engagement now?