Permitted development

Permitted development means that some works do not require planning permission. 

Some permitted development rights may have been removed or restricted by us issuing an ‘Article 4’ direction on a planning condition.  This means that you will have to submit a planning application for works which normally do not need an application.   If your property is in a conservation area, the kind of minor work that you can carry out without planning permission is more limited than elsewhere.

There are also different requirements if your property is a listed building.   

If you want to find out whether a particular development has had its permitted development rights removed by condition please apply through the Pre-planning application advice service – other services or you are able to view planning histories via public access.

If you are in doubt you are advised to submit an application for a lawful development certificate, which will establish if planning permission is needed for the proposed work 

Further Guidance on permitted development rights is available from Welsh Government – Permitted Development  

Community Infrastructure Levy liability

In rare cases, 'permitted development' may be of sufficient scale to be liable to pay CIL. 

You must serve a notice of chargeable development to us before the development starts. If the project is liable for CIL, the charge is then calculated and applied as though planning permission had been issued. Visit our Community Infrastructure Levy section for further guidance.

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