Looking for business premises?
Caerphilly County Borough has a dynamic and diverse business community in the heart of South Wales and is able to offer businesses a wide range of commercial sites and premises.
You can find all accommodation types in our business premises and in our town centres including high quality offices, retail facilities, development sites and all sizes of industrial units.
If you are looking for premises we might be able to help and support you with finding a suitable property within the area. For further information call us on 01443 866222 or email businesspremises@caerphilly.gov.uk.
There is also a range of council owned land and buildings available to buy or let. Visit the Property availability page for details.
Visit the Land Registry website for further information on property prices in the county borough. The site requires the postcode for the area you are interested in. To find the postcode visit the Royal Mail's Postcode Finder website.