Register a food business
If you store, prepare, distribute or sell food on premises you need to be registered. Premises include restaurants, cafes, takeaways, caring establishments, hotels & guesthouses, shops, canteens, market stalls, mobile catering vans, food warehouses and distribution vehicles.
Some manufacturers handling products of animal origin may need food premises approval rather than registration. If you are uncertain whether your business needs to be approved or registered, please contact us.
Registration is free of charge. The details are entered onto our register and certain details, such as type of business, address and telephone number, will be available for public inspection.
Once you have registered, you will need to notify us if there is a change of ownership or change in the nature of the business. Forms are available online via GOV.UK.
You can also download a paper version of the form below
Application for the registration of a food business establishment (PDF)