Active Travel INM Consultation Stage 1 Consultation


Active Travel INM Consultation Stage 1 Consultation

Date opened

3 February 2021

Date closes

10 March 2021


All Local Authorities in Wales must resubmit their Active Travel Network Maps (ATNM) to Welsh Government by 31 December 2021.

We are reviewing our Active Travel Network throughout Caerphilly Borough to identify proposals for new routes and if existing routes require improvement.

Consultation will be in three stages:

  • Stage 1 will entail feedback on barriers to walking and cycling through the commonplace online tool (see link below).
  • Stage 2 will then seek views on the existing infrastructure within the Borough and what difficulties people experience in walking or cycling.
  • Stage 3 will then seek if there are any routes you would like to see in the future?

Why are we consulting

We are seeking to enable more walking and cycling journeys throughout Caerphilly Borough to allow a healthier lifestyle for our residents and also help us towards cutting carbon emissions. To help us achieve this we are seeking residents views on removing barriers to Active Travel. Your feedback and ideas will help us to consider new network maps for the future Active Travel network investment for the Caerphilly County Borough. These will be considered for inclusion in a revised Active Travel Network Map which will be submitted to Welsh Government in December 2021.


Information can be found in the weblink below

Ways to give your views

Comments can be left on the weblink below


Information can be found in the weblink below

Alternatively, if you wish to submit your comments via e-mail, or should you require any assistance on the use of the map, please contact activetravel@CAERPHILLY.GOV.UK

Date results are expected

Mid-April 2021

Expected outcomes

All comments will be fed into Caerphilly County Borough Council’s review of our Active Travel Network. This will help identify routes that need improving to enable people to walk and cycle more. In turn comments will be used to validate the draft revised network for Active Travel that we will consult on at a later date.