‘A Foundation for Success 2018-2023’ - Regeneration Strategy for Caerphilly County Borough
‘A Foundation for Success’ seeks to provide a framework for the future regeneration of the County Borough for the next 5 years up to 2023. The document sets out strategic priorities for regeneration under four key themes:
- Supporting People (reducing inequality, building capacity and resilience to create healthier, prosperous, cohesive communities);
- Supporting Business (creating employment opportunities, increasing entrepreneurial activities, encouraging innovation and improving access to employment);
- Supporting Quality of Life (providing the right physical environment for our communities that encourages them to prosper);
- Connecting People and Places (improving connectivity locally, regionally and globally).
A Foundation for Success (PDF)
Foundation for Success Delivering Propsperity After Covid (PDF)
The Strategic Vision for the Regeneration of the County Borough has been clouded throughout 2020 by 2 significant events Covid-19 and Brexit and the significant economic impact of both continues to persist. In addition to the well-documented impact of the pandemic on public health, its effect combined with the impact of BREXIT on the economy is profound.
In response the Council has established a Strategic Recovery Framework to support the Council and the wider County Borough to recover whilst continuing to support the Wellbeing Objectives set out in the Corporate Plan 2018 - 23. The economic recovery framework Delivering Prosperity after Covid has been prepared to deliver our strategic objective of Supporting Business and this framework has three, distinct phases as follows: The Restart phase; The Revive phase; and The Renew phase.
Supporting the regeneration strategy are a series of masterplans which set out site-specific proposals on an area-wide basis, with the aim of enhancing well-being in local communities through delivery of sustainable and complementary development, including housing, economic development, leisure/recreation and infrastructure. Once completed, these masterplans have been adopted as supplementary planning guidance.
Town centre action plans