Integrated Impact Assessments
We have hundreds of policies, plans and schemes in place that we must put into operation in order to deliver the wide range of services for which we are responsible, to everyone who wishes to access them.
To ensure that all of these take equalities and Welsh language issues into account, an 'Integrated Impact Assessment' must be carried out.
This means that any possible actions we would take are assessed from a number of different perspectives to see what impact, if any, those actions have on the public. For example, a policy about renovating buildings would be assessed to ensure that any work would provide full access to people with disabilities. Or it could be that guidelines on how we deal with the public are assessed to ensure that someone wishing to use British Sign Language could do so.
The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) was developed to coincide with the implementation of the Socio-economic Duty on 31 March 2021.
The IIA ensures that all proposals going forward for a decision will evidence and show due regard to five pieces of legislation as well as aligning the proposals with the Well-being Objectives in our Corporate Plan. The IIA includes sections on:
- Equalities
- the Socio-economic Duty if the proposal is of a strategic nature,
- the Well-being Objectives in the Corporate Plan and links to any other relevant council policy, and the Sustainable Development Principles or the 5 ways of working as we also know them by,
- the 7 goals of the Well-being of Future Generations Act,
- the Welsh language, which required an update following the guidance issued by the Commissioner on the Policy Making Standards
- and lastly consultation, engagement and the Gunning Principles