- Number:- 60 properties, 20 LCHO, 40 let via CHR
- Road(s): Fford Cae’r Llwyn
- Town: Bedwas
- Postcode: CF83 8JT
Details of properties to be covered
- Landlord(s): United Welsh
- Count: 16 Properties (42 in total)
- Reason for requesting a local lettings policy
Pandy Road site was established in 2019. The site is a mix of flats and family housing amongst a development of social and private owned housing. LLP is requested for the new lettings to support a stable, sustainable, balanced, and cohesive community, within an existing wider community setting while complying with the requirements of the Common Allocation Policy.
Summary of evidence base to support local lettings policy:
We develop and hence let, approximately 480 new homes per annum and in our experience the first 12 months occupation of new developments are crucial in establishing a new and cohesive community. Bringing together households from the first phase and an additional 16 from the second to live within a partially established community inevitably presents challenges to establish respect and understanding between the new neighbours, some of which may never have previously held any form of occupation contract and those established in their homes.
A fully researched comprehensive LLP can assist with our shared desire to create sustainable, cohesive communities where people want to live and promote economic, social and environmental well-being. The implementation of a successful LLP would also help to reduce the number of occupation contract holders wishing to submit applications to transfer accommodation. United Welsh has found that from our extensive experience there are often challenges around the creation, integration and settling in of communities. and promote economic, social and environmental well-being. The implementation of a successful LLP would also help to reduce the number of tenants wishing to submit applications to transfer accommodation.
Objective of local lettings policy:
- To create a sustainable community
- The neighbourhood is a place people want to live and remain
- Tenants are engaged in their community
- The neighbourhood is balanced
- Ensure compliance with statutory requirements
Restrictions to be placed on lettings:
IMPORTANT NOTE: the following criteria are not mandatory per se but must be used as a template to attempt to create a balanced community on this site. All households shortlisted for the new homes will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and UW are happy to enter into dialogue with CCBC during the allocation and letting process to ensure the spirit of the LLP is maintained throughout, and to discuss marginal or ambiguous cases etc. Where agreement cannot be reached during such dialogue, United Welsh, as landlord, will make the ultimate decision, whilst ensuring to remain within the confines of the criteria set out within this LLP, and endeavouring to meet its intended outcomes. UW monitor all LLP to ensure that they are working effectively and meeting the intended outcomes. A review of effectiveness of the LLP and breakdown of the let’s will occur approximately 2 months after new occupation contracts have commenced.
Stage 1
UW are committed to make the best use of our housing stock by considering those applicants with the requirement for accessible accommodation. All of the units to be let via the CHR will be coded as per Appendix 8 – Accessible Housing Classifications - of the CAP, and shortlisted as per Appendix 9 – Best Match Shortlisting Criteria. A breakdown will be provided prior to shortlisting.
Stage 2
United Welsh understands that there will be several households that may have needs that are challenging to professionals, and/or require high support levels to manage an occupation contract. United Welsh is fully committed to assist in offering accommodation to such households whilst also recognising the fact that a high concentration of households of this type, or high support needs within a very small geographical area (or in the same street/block) can create unintended consequences such as;
- Increased risks to vulnerable households
- Increased volatility in the block/street
- Increased volatility in the community
Adverse effects on cohesive communities
Poor reputation of the new site leading to difficulty in letting future void properties UW therefore propose that a maximum of 3 households with needs that are challenging to professionals/high support needs to be accommodated within the completed development. To include with one household of this type per block of flats, of which one to be a STAR applicant in one block.
Applications from veterans or former armed services are welcomed as part of this process.
In terms of this LLP United Welsh considers needs that are challenging to professionals or high support needs, to relate to households that have exhibited the following behaviours (by any member of said household) within the previous 3 years (from date of consideration):
Previous or current ASB that has led to the loss of accommodation
Previous ASB which has culminated in enforcement action (NSP/ injunction/ possession/ASBI/Closure Order)
Significant mental health conditions that affect the household’s ability to manage an occupation contract (where medication is either not taken or proving effective)
Significant substance misuse issues
Convicted of criminal behaviour – which has a direct relevance to maintaining an occupation contract and/or respectfully living in a community with others
Persons subject to MAPPA (levels 1-3)
United Welsh is an inclusive landlord; and will work closely with colleagues in Caerphilly CBC’s Homeless and the Common Housing Register team to identify complex cases and determine if the allocation would be appropriate.
Each applicant that has a previous tenancy will be asked for 2 references If an applicant has no tenancy history, character references will suffice
Flats only- Pets should be requested via a LLC, but restricted to 1 small cat or dog as maximum per flat (due to no communal areas or garden). Assistance/sensory animalsaccepted regardless of size
Estate Agreement to be signed by all successful applicantsSome clarity around interpretation of terms:
Significant substance misuse may include significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
Recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to substance use; substance-related absences, suspensions or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household)
Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by substance use)
Recurrent substance-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for substance-related disorderly conduct
Continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical altercations)
Details of any community consultation:
Only as required as planning conditions. Once properties have been handed over we will carry out consultation and engagement activities as per other areas we work in under our ‘Together’ branding of events.
Summary of equality impact assessment:
EIA completed, groups that may be impacted identified as those that have mental health issues that may be linked to previous ASB. Due consideration will also be given to engagement history, any support provided to the household, along with medication taken to alleviate mental health conditions. Potentially some groups may find it more difficult to find employment or maintain employment, female households and those with a disability or with caring responsibilities may be impacted upon. This will be overcome through flexibility around the LLP requirements with all households considered on a case-by-case basis on their individual circumstances, and full consultation with the relevant supporting agencies. If an individual can provide evidence of a successful tenancy/occupation contract since any relevant recorded ASB this will be considered. Likewise, if an applicant is a carer, is past retirement age or is unable to work due to a disability steps will be taken to prevent this impacting on their application.
- Implementation date: 26/04/2024
- Termination date: 12 months after last letting.
- Review frequency:
- Monitoring and review arrangements: Monitoring as we allocate/ LLP as first let only.
- Requesting officer: Name: Sian Weeks
- Position: Neighbourhood Manager
- Organisation: United Welsh
- Dated: 15/04/2024
- Panel decision: Approved