Report prolonged or extreme barking
All dogs bark sometimes, however if the dog is left alone for long periods or is bored, it will bark for long periods of time. This can cause annoyance and distress to neighbours.
Before involving us or the police, the first thing you should do is talk with the owner. Tell them when the dog is barking and for how long. Keeping a record of dates and times may be helpful as they may simply not be aware of it.
If that does not work, report it to us.
If the records show the barking is possibly a nuisance based on the frequency and duration we will investigate the matter and deal with it. An Environmental Health Officer will visit the owner and discuss the problem. We will not tell the dog owner who made the complaint.
In extreme cases, we will take legal action against the owner of the dogs if they are unwilling to address the problem.
Is your dog barking too much?
The Defra website offers advice and guidance to dog owners.
Constant Barking Can Be Avoided: Offering guidance to dog owners