Tips on fighting waste
The best way of dealing with our waste is not to create it in the first place. Waste disposal is a last resort!
Avoiding waste can be done by:
- Step 1 – Prevention (most preferred)
- Step 2 - Preparing for re-use
- Step 3 - Recycling
- Step 4 - Recovery
- Step 5 – Disposal (least preferred).
Waste Prevention
- Keeping products for longer
- Using less hazardous materials
- Using less material in design and manufacturing
Here are some ideas:
- Don't buy things you don't need
- Choose things that are well made and will last
- Use rechargeable batteries
- Don't just throw things away if they break, try to get them repaired.
- Buy food with less packaging. For example, buy loose fruit & veg and don't put them in bags
- Don't use disposable things
- Use your own shopping bags when you go shopping.
Here are some ideas:
- Buy second hand from a charity shop, car boot sale or jumble sale. As well as helping your environment you will save a lot of money.
- Reuse yoghurt pots or the bottom half of plastic bottles as plant pots.
- Plastic carrier bags can be reused several times as shopping bags. They can also be used as bin liners.
- Pass on unwanted items to friends or relatives who would like it or sell it to someone else who can make use of it.
- Buy milk in glass bottles from your milkman, which can be returned for reuse.
- Buy reusable deodorant, washing products and cleaning products.
- Buy reusable / real nappies
Donate items to Penallta Reuse Shop or Furniture Revival. Donated items are also available to buy.
Here are some ways in which you can do this: