Home improvements agency service
This service provides professional, technical, and administrative services to people who have applied for a housing grant or loan.
The main aim of this service is to take the responsibility and worry of arranging housing repairs and improvements away from you and give it to skilled and experienced officers who will arrange the work on your behalf.
Some of the services include:
- A user-friendly service and one stop shop
- Advice on eligibility for grant and loan assistance and the appropriate works required
- Assistance in filling in all forms and documents required for submitting a grant or loan application
- Providing a detailed specification of works required
- Estimating the cost of the work
- Providing plans and working drawings
- Obtaining Building Regulations and Planning Approvals
- Arranging other necessary consents such as mortgagee or landlord approvals
- Financial advice for non-grant aided works
- Help to arrange loans, maturity loans, mortgages etc where required
- Appointment of builder from approved list of builders if so required
- Arranging contracts and provision of a contract management service
- Supervision of works
- Management of financial payments to contractors
- Arranging temporary accommodation, where necessary
- Protection against unscrupulous contractors
Cost of the service
When housing grant assistance is offered the cost of the service is grant aided, this means that the service should not normally cost you any additional expense.
When loan assistance is offered the level of fee for utilising the service will be by prior agreement. Contact private sector housing for details.