Scheduled ancient monuments
The most valuable archeological sites are protected as Scheduled ancient monuments. This work is undertaken by Cadw, which is a division within the Welsh Government.
A schedule has been kept since 1884 of monuments whose preservation is given priority over other land uses. The current legislation, the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, supports a formal system of Scheduled Monument Consent for any works to a designated monument.
Scheduled monument consent
Any proposal to carry out works at a scheduled ancient monument which would have the effect of demolishing, destroying, damaging, removing, repairing, altering, adding to, flooding, or covering up a monument must be the subject of an application for scheduled ancient monument consent. Indeed, an application for scheduled monument consent also has to be made for works that may be beneficial to the monument, such as consolidating masonry, or for conducting a research excavation.
It is against the law to:
- damage a scheduled monument by carrying out works without consent;
- cause reckless or deliberate damage;
- use a metal detector or remove an object found with one without consent.
Conviction for these offences can lead to fines.
Ancient monuments in Caerphilly county borough
There are 47 scheduled ancient monuments within the Caerphilly county borough area, details of which are available to download below:
Further details about scheduled ancient monuments and associated Grants are available on the Cadw website