Disabled persons parking place

If you are a permanent wheelchair user, in receipt of a valid permanent blue badge and are experiencing significant parking difficulties outside your home, you may be eligible for consideration for a disabled persons parking place (DPPP).  

The assessment for such requests is a two part process:

  1. You are assessed as meeting the Social Services criteria set out below 

  2. The Highways Division determine the feasibility of providing a DPPP

It is also important to note that anyone in possession of a valid blue badge is also entitled to park at any DPPP space, regardless of its location, such as outside your home. 

Social services criteria

To qualify for the Social Services element of the assessment, you must meet all the following conditions: 

  • You are a permanent wheelchair user indoors and out; permanent meaning you are not able to mobilise without a wheelchair prescribed by a professional, such as Doctor, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist; and
  • You are in receipt of a permanent blue badge; and
  • There is no off street parking available, such as a garage or hard-standing and no space to provide such a facility; and
  • The property is accessible for a wheelchair user; and
  • You are the driver of the vehicle and able to evidence yourself as a permanent wheelchair user indoors and out; or
  • You are a permanent wheelchair user indoors and out and are a passenger in a vehicle that is permanently available for your use, registered at your property, and which has been adapted to accommodate lifting in and out of a wheelchair to meet a carer’s needs

If you meet all the above requirements, you can download and complete the self assessment questionnaire below. 

Alternatively you may contact us on 0808 100 2500 to arrange for one to be sent out to you by post.

Highways Division feasibility

If on receipt of your questionnaire you are assessed as meeting the Social Services criteria, the request is passed to the Highways Division to determine the feasibility of providing a DPPP. 

What could stop my application being successful?

If there are any traffic prohibitions near the property, e.g. single/double yellow lines, residents only parking permit area/ limited waiting area, bus stop, Zebra/Pelican Crossings, proximity to junctions, then you will not be eligible for consideration as such restrictions may not be able to be removed. They may also consult with the local constabulary and local residents which may result in the request being refused.

If I’m successful, how long will it take?

It can take up to 2 years from the request to the actual creation of a DPPP.  The Highways Division will undertake a survey to ascertain feasibility of the DPPP.  Once ascertained there will be no adverse effects on traffic, an application for planning permission is made and advertised in the press.  Providing there are no objections, permission is sought from the Chief Constable to change the byelaws pertaining to highway where DPPP is proposed.  If permission is granted, the parking place will be created.

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