We will introduce a structured programme  of service reviews that will evaluate the services that we provide and ensure that they remain relevant, and are provided in the most effective and efficient ways to ensure that value for money is being achieved.

The service reviews will also provide an   opportunity to generate financial savings and will consider the following as a minimum: -

  • The objectives of each service review.
  • What is the service being delivered and why do  we do it?
  • Why do we deliver the service in the way that we do?
  • Who is the service delivered to and does it add  value?
  • What outcomes are being achieved and are   they good enough?
  • What is the current cost of delivery?
  • How do costs compare with other providers?
  • How can the service be delivered with less   resource?
  • What are the other options for delivering the service?
  • Is there potential to eliminate waste and duplication?
  • Can processes be automated to deliver savings and efficiencies?
  • Are there opportunities to work with citizens, communities and the third sector to promote further engagement in shared local delivery?
  • Are there commercial opportunities to generate additional income?

A consistent approach to service reviews will be adopted, and a service directory will be prepared to provide an evidence base to help identify those services that will be prioritised for review in the early years of the Council’s transformation programme.

The programme of service reviews will allow our senior officers, staff and Elected Members to meaningfully engage with decisions about future delivery, aligned to our Medium-Term Financial Plan. To support this we will ensure that our central services (Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, IT Services and Business Improvement) are actively supporting, enabling and challenging programme delivery and performance outcomes.

Where we are considering service changes we will engage fully with our communities, to ensure that their views are part of the decision-making process.

We will define service standards following each review so everyone is clear of what we will deliver and what (if applicable) others will do.

Service Review pilots are currently being undertaken in the Catering Service and the Building Cleaning Service and the learning from these will inform the structured approach that we will adopt moving forward.

Group photograph of Caerphilly Council Staff
Service Review pilots in Catering and Building Cleaning to be completed 31st July 2019
Service Directory to be completed 30th September 2019
Consistent methodology for Service Reviews to be adopted 30th September 2019
Structured programme of Service Reviews  to be agreed and implemented Cabinet approval by 31st October 2019