Pay policy 2024 / 2025

Version: Version 13
Policy Ratified by: Council
Date: 27th February 2024
Area Applicable: All Caerphilly employees (including Agency Workers) except School contracted employees.
Review Year: Financial Year 2024 – 2025
Equalities: Mae'r ddogfen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg, ac mewn ieithoedd a fformatau eraill ar gais. This document is available in Welsh, and in other languages and formats on request

Introduction & purpose


Under Section 112 of the Local Government Act 1972 the Council has the power ’to appoint officers on such reasonable terms and conditions as the Authority thinks fit’. This Pay Policy statement sets out Caerphilly CBC’s approach to Pay Policy in accordance with the requirements of Section 38 to 43 of the Localism Act 2011. This requires English and Welsh Local Authorities to produce and publish a Pay Policy Statement for 2012 / 2013 and for each financial year after that, detailing:

  • The Council’s policies towards all aspects and elements of the remuneration of Chief Officers (Chief Officers are as defined in para 5.1 of this policy).
  • The approach to the publication of, and access to, information relating to all aspects of the remuneration of Chief Officers.
  • The Council’s policy on the remuneration of its lowest paid employees (including the definition adopted and reasons for it).
  • The relationship between the remuneration of its Chief Officers and other employees.


Guidance regarding these matters was issued by Welsh Government and, in accordance with section 40 (2) of the Act, Local Authorities in Wales were required to have regard to this Guidance when performing their functions in preparing and approving Pay Policy statements. In December 2015, Welsh Government also published a framework document that set out a common set of high level principles and minimum standards for reporting arrangements of senior remuneration within the Welsh public sector (including local authorities).


In December 2016, the Staff Commission published “Advice and guidance on the Welsh Government Framework on ‘Transparency of Senior Remuneration in the Devolved Welsh Public Sector”. This guidance replaced any previous guidance issued under section 40 of the Localism Act 2011.


Welsh Government also issued further guidance in December 2020 entitled “Pay Accountability in local government. What to include in local authority annual pay policy statements”.


This is an update to the previous Pay Policy statement first issued in June 2012, and last updated with Council approval on 15th March 2023. This statement will come into immediate effect once fully endorsed by Council at its meeting on the 27th February 2024. The salary ranges within this Pay Policy are those nationally agreed for 2023 / 24 as the national pay awards for 2024 / 25 are subject to negotiation.


This pay policy statement needs to be placed in context. Caerphilly County Borough Council is a large complex organisation with a multi-million pound budget. CCBC has a workforce of just over 8,600 employees and a combined revenue and capital budget for 2022/2023 of £688.9 million. We are in addition the largest single employer based in the County Borough.


As an employer we have a very wide range of functions and are responsible for the provision of many essential services at a local level. The general approach to employee remuneration levels may therefore differ from one group of employees to another to reflect specific circumstances at a local, Welsh or UK national level. The approach also needs to be flexible when required to address a variety of changing circumstances, whether foreseeable or not.

Legislative framework


In determining the pay and remuneration of all of its employees, the Council will comply with all relevant employment legislation. This includes the Equality Act 2010, Part Time Employment (Prevention of Less Favorable Treatment) Regulations 2000, The Agency Workers Regulations 2010 and where relevant, the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Earnings) Regulations.


With regard to the Equal Pay requirements contained within the Equality Act 2010, the Council aims to ensure there is no pay discrimination within its pay structures and that all pay differentials can be objectively justified through the use of equality proofed Job Evaluation mechanisms which directly relate salaries to the requirements, demands and responsibilities of the role.

Scope of the pay policy


The Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to develop and make public their Pay Policy on all aspects of Chief Officer remuneration (including on ceasing to hold office), and also in relation to the “lowest paid” in the Council, explaining their Policy on the relationship between remuneration for Chief Officers and other groups.


The provisions in the Localism Act 2011 which relate to Pay Policy statements only apply to employees directly appointed and managed by the Council. Employees who are appointed and managed by school Head Teachers/Governing Bodies are, therefore, not required to be included within the scope of Pay Policy statements. This reflects the unique employment legislation position whereby all schools’ employees are employed by the Local Authority but decisions about the appointment and management of such employees are mostly discharged by Head Teachers/Governing Bodies, as appropriate.

Pay structure and arrangements


The Council employs staff under the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services terms and conditions which are incorporated in their contracts. Caerphilly uses the NJC nationally negotiated pay spine as the basis for its local grading structure. Our localised Pay & Grading structure was achieved through a collective agreement with the Trade Unions and implemented with effect from the 1st of April 2009. The Council’s NJC Pay & Grading structure was updated, through a collective agreement with the Trade Unions as a result of the NJC pay agreement for 2018-2020, which included the introduction of a new NJC for Local Government Services Pay Spine. The Pay & Grading structure has been updated to remove SCP 1 with effect from 1st April 2023, in accordance with the NJC pay award for 2022.


The Council employs Chief Officers under Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) terms and conditions which are incorporated in their contracts. The JNC for Chief Officers negotiates on national (UK) annual cost of living pay increases for this group, and any award of same is determined on this basis. Chief Officers employed under JNC terms and conditions are contractually entitled to any national JNC determined pay rises and this Council will therefore pay these as and when determined in accordance with current contractual requirements.


The terms and conditions for Chief Executives are agreed by a separate body i.e. the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Executives, which also negotiates on a national basis. Council, at the meeting held on 19th November 2019, agreed that all future nationally agreed pay awards for the Chief Executive would be approved automatically.


Caerphilly utilises the Greater London Provincial Council (GLPC) Job Evaluation process for NJC staff. In terms of Chief Officers, including the Chief Executive, the Council uses the Hay Job Evaluation process which allows the posts to be effectively benchmarked against the internal and external markets, as approved by Cabinet in 2004. These processes determine the salaries of the large majority of the non Teaching workforce, together with the use of other nationally defined rates where relevant.


In addition to the NJC and JNC arrangements referred to above, the Council recognises other nationally negotiated arrangements including National Pay Grades under the Soulbury Agreement and the National Pay Grades under the JNC for Youth & Community Workers. The details of these scales are contained in Appendices A – D.


The Council also has in place local agreements achieved via collective agreements with the Trade Unions for these staff groups.


New appointments will normally be made at the minimum of the relevant grade, although this can be varied where necessary, subject to the approval of the Head of Service. From time to time, it may be necessary to take account of the external pay market in order to attract and retain employees with particular experience, skills and capacity. Where necessary, the Council will ensure the requirement for such is objectively justified by reference to clear and transparent evidence of relevant market comparators, using appropriate data sources available from within and outside the local government sector and is incorporated in the Market Supplements Policy.

Pay supplements


All other pay related allowances are subject to either nationally or locally negotiated rates, that are determined in accordance with collective bargaining machinery and/or Council Policy. In determining its grading structure and setting remuneration levels for all posts, the Council takes account of the need to ensure value for money against the ability to recruit and retain appropriately skilled and experienced employees that can deliver high quality services to the public.


The Council has committed itself to being a Living Wage Employer. The previous Living Wage rate was £10.90 per hour. With effect from 1st November 2023 this rate was increased to £12.00 per hour. The Council will therefore continue to pay the difference between the relevant Spinal Column Point (NJC SCP’s 2 - 4 are affected) as a supplement. This supplement is included in the hourly rate as pensionable pay. This is demonstrated in the Council’s NJC pay scales as provided in Appendix A.

Honoraria / acting up arrangements


Periodically individuals may be assigned temporary duties or responsibilities over and above their normal role. The Council operates its Acting Up and Honoraria Schemes to ensure that individuals are appropriately remunerated in accordance with the evaluation policy that applies to their terms and conditions.

Early retirement, voluntary severance & redundancy


The Council has agreed polices in relation to Early Retirement by Mutual Consent, Redundancy and Voluntary Severance. Any cost to the Council for employees to leave its employment with unreduced access to pension (except for compulsory redundancy) must be agreed by the Pensions Compensation Committee i.e. the group of Elected Members with delegated powers to approve such payments. The schemes are in accordance with Regulations 5 and 6 of the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) Regulations 2006 and Regulations 12 and 13 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contribution) Regulations 2007. All these Policies (except compulsory redundancy) are underpinned by the requirement for a robust business case which balances service delivery with cost and with Head of Service, Director, Section 151 Officer and Head of People Services approval. The Policies are all available on the HR Portal via the following links:


The Council is the major employer in the area. Indeed, a majority of the employees who work for the Council live within Caerphilly County Borough. As such, the Council must have regard to its role in improving the economic well-being of the people of the County Borough.


The availability of good quality employment on reasonable terms and conditions and fair rates of pay has a beneficial impact on the quality of life in the community as well as on the local economy. The Council also has a role in setting a benchmark on pay and conditions for other employers in the area for the same reasons.


The Council is committed to working in partnership with its recognised Trade Unions in relation to all pay and conditions of service matters. The 2009 and 2019 Collective Agreements to achieve our Pay & Grading Structures were achieved with the support of our Trade Union partners. We continue to review the impacts of the Medium-Term Financial Plan on our workforce.



The mileage rate is currently 45p per mile in accordance with the HMRC approved exempt amount.

Chief officer remuneration

Definitions of chief officer / pay levels


For the purposes of this Pay Policy statement, “Chief Officers” are as defined within Section 43 of the Localism Act. The table below details the current numbers of Leadership Team:

Post Title Number of posts
Chief Executive 1
Deputy Chief Executive 1
Director 3
Head of Service (Grade A) 12
Head of Service (Grade B) 1

N.B. There are also 8 Hay Grade B posts that are not designated as Heads of Service.


The gender make-up of the Chief Officers is 7 females and 10 males.


At the meeting held on 19 November 2019, Council agreed the recruitment to the post of Chief Executive on a permanent basis on a spot salary of £140,000 per annum. This has now been subject to national pay awards and is £153,111.


At the meeting held on 24th November 2022, Council agreed to create an additional post of Deputy Chief Executive on a spot salary of £139,044. As agreed at the meeting, this spot salary has been adjusted following the agreement of the national pay awards and is £145,903.


The pay structure for the other Chief Officers is as follows:

  • Corporate Directors - The salary of the post falls within a range of four incremental points between £125,025 rising to a maximum of £138,695 per annum
  • Heads of Service (Band A) - The salary of the post fall within a range of four incremental points between £95,900 rising to a maximum of £106,334 per annum
  • Heads of Service (Band B) - The salary of the post fall within a range of four incremental points between £74,553 rising to a maximum of £82,617 per annum
  • No bonus or performance-related pay mechanism is applicable to any Chief Officers’ pay.


As per the decision at Council on 17th January 2013, the higher band A+ as shown in Appendix D was not used during the period of the previous administration and neither was the issue of Chief Officer pay revisited. It has not been reviewed since that administration period has passed and any future proposals in relation to Chief Officer pay would require a decision by Full Council.

Recruitment of chief officers


The Council’s Policy and Procedures with regard to the recruitment of Chief Officers is contained within the Officer Employment Procedure Rules as set out in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution.


The determination of the remuneration to be offered to any newly appointed Chief Officer will be in accordance with the pay structure and relevant Council policies in place at the time of recruitment.


Where the Council is unable to recruit a Chief Officer under a contract of service, or there is a need for support for a specific project or to provide cover for a vacant substantive Chief Officer post, the Council will, where necessary, consider engaging individuals under “contracts for service”. These will be sourced through a relevant procurement process (in accordance with standing orders and financial regulations), ensuring the Council is able to demonstrate value for money from competition in securing the relevant service. There are, however, no current examples of this arrangement.


Welsh Government recommends in addition to agreeing the parameters for setting the pay of Chief Officers, full Council should be offered the opportunity to vote on large salary packages that are to be offered in respect of new appointments in accordance with their agreed pay policy statements. The Welsh Ministers consider £100,000 is the right level for that threshold.


For this purpose, salary packages should be consistent with the categories defined for remuneration in the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014. This will include salary, bonuses, fees, allowances routinely payable, any expenses allowance chargeable to UK income tax, the relevant authorities’ contribution to the officer’s pension and any other benefits in kind to which the officer is entitled as a result of their employment.


There is a requirement to specifically consult the Independent Remuneration Panel on any intention to change the salary of the Head of Paid Service (in our case the Chief Executive) or Chief Officers that are not in keeping with changes applied to other officers of the authority. The Council is then required to give due regard to their recommendations on the salary of the Head of Paid Service or Chief Officer prior to considering any changes.

Additions to salary of chief officers


In addition to basic salary, set out below are details of other elements of Chief Officer remuneration:

  • The Council pays a standard mileage rate of 45p pence per mile to Chief Officers (consistent with all other employees) with effect from the 1st July 2015, where the Chief Officer uses their private vehicle on Council business. The Council also reimburses any other reasonable expenses, incurred by the Chief Officer on behalf of the Council whilst on Council business, on production of receipts and in accordance with JNC conditions and other local conditions.
  • The cost of registration with a regulatory body if there is a requirement to be registered in order to practice and undertake their specific job role. This currently only applies to the post of Head of Legal Services & Monitoring Officer.


The Council has a statutory duty to appoint a Returning Officer for specified Elections and Referenda. The post of Chief Executive holds responsibility to be the Returning Officer for the Council for all Elections held within the County Borough. The Returning Officer is personally responsible for a wide range of functions in relation to the conduct of Elections and Referenda and is paid for discharging these functions in accordance with prescribed fees. The prescribed fees for Caerphilly County Borough Elections are attached in Appendix F. Fees for other organisation's elections are not determined by or paid for by the Council, e.g. Welsh Government set the fees for their election etc. All the Returning Officer's payments in any election are publicised as part of the council accounts on an annual basis.

Payments on termination


The Council’s approach to statutory and discretionary payments on termination of employment of Chief Officers, prior to reaching normal retirement age, is set out within its policy statement in accordance with Regulations 5 and 6 of the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) Regulations 2006 [and if adopted] Regulations 12 and 13 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contribution) Regulations 2007. For clarity the Authority does not provide any augmentation (“added years”) of pension, in its payments on termination.


Any other payments falling outside the provisions or the relevant periods of contractual notice shall be subject to a formal decision made in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation as contained within the Council’s Constitution.


Council will be required to approve any severance package in excess of the current threshold determined by Welsh Ministers at £100,000. Members will be advised of any contractual or statutory elements of the severance package, along with the consequences of withholding these from an employment law context.



This is an update of the Pay Policy Statement. This statement will come into effect, once fully endorsed by Council in February 2024.


In addition, the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 require the Authority to disclose the following information in respect of remuneration in its annual Statement of Accounts:

  • The number of employees whose remuneration, excluding pension contributions, was greater than £60,000.
  • The remuneration and the components of remuneration for statutory chief officers and designated head of paid service who have responsibility for the management of the Authority.
  • The total number and cost of exit packages.
  • The remuneration ratio between the Chief Executive and the median remuneration of all employees.

Pay relativities within the council


The “lowest paid” persons employed under a contract of employment with the Council are employed at the new Living Wage (Foundation) rate of £12.00 per hour. All roles within our grading structure paid in accordance with the spinal column points 2 – 4 of the NJC pay spine for Local Government Services employees, receive a supplement to make the rate £12.00 per hour. As at 1st November 2023, this is £23,152 (Full Time Equivalent Earnings) per annum for a 37 hour standard working week.


The relationship between the rate of pay for the “lowest paid” employees and the Council’s Chief Officers is regulated by the processes used for determining pay and grading structures as set out in this Pay Policy Statement.


The statutory guidance under the Localism Act recommends the use of pay multiples as a means of measuring the relationship between pay rates across the workforce and that of senior managers, as included within the Hutton “Review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector” (2010).


Will Hutton was asked by the UK Government to explore the case for a fixed limit on dispersion of pay through a requirement that no public sector manager can earn more than 20 times the lowest paid person in the organization. Hutton concluded that the relationship to median earnings was a more relevant measure and the Government’s Code of Recommended Practice on Data Transparency recommends the publication of the ratio between the highest rate of pay and the median average pay of the whole of the Council’s workforce (but excluding teachers and other employees appointed and managed by schools, in the case of local authorities).


The salary utilised for the Chief Executive calculations of all the pay multiple data is £153,111 i.e. the salary of the Chief Executive.

Pay multiple data

The data for the Authority is contained in the table below:

Salary Multiple Ratio
The multiple between the annual salary of the lowest paid Council employee and the Chief Executive (full-time equivalent basis) as a ratio 1:6.61
The multiple between the annual salary of the lowest paid Council employee and the average Chief Officer (full-time equivalent basis) as a ratio 1:4.59
The multiple between median earning of Council employees and the Chief Executive (full-time equivalent basis) as a ratio 1:5.89
The multiple between median earning of Council employees and the average Chief Officer (fulltime equivalent basis) as a ratio 1:4.09


As part of its overall and ongoing monitoring of alignment with external pay markets, both within and outside the sector, the Council will use available salary benchmarking information as appropriate.

Accountability and decision making


In accordance with the Constitution of the Council, the Chief Executive is responsible for decision-making in relation to the recruitment, pay (apart from those detailed in 8.2), conditions of service and severance arrangements for all employees of the Council, except Teachers, as their main pay and conditions of service are determined on a legislative basis by Welsh Government.


The Council will set remuneration for the Chief Executive and Chief Officers (as defined in paragraphs 5.1.3, 5.1.4 and 5.1.5).


The Council has established a delegated Sub Committee i.e. the Pensions Compensation Committee, to consider any requests by employees to leave the employment of the Council with unreduced access to pension with a cost to the Council (except compulsory redundancy), that are supported by the agreed business case process.



No Chief Officer, or any other employee, who leaves the employment of the Council on the grounds of early retirement, severance or voluntary redundancy will be later re-employed as an employee of the Council or contracted under a “contract of service” (as per 5.2.3), without the express permission of the Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services. Where the re-employment is regarding the post of the Chief Executive or a Chief Officer (as defined in paragraph 5.1.1), this decision will require full Council approval.


An exception to this occurs where an employee leaves under an agreed Flexible Retirement arrangement, where their ongoing employment is approved as part of the business case for release of accrued pension benefits.

Reviewing the policy


This Pay Policy outlines the current position in respect of remuneration within the Council and it will be reviewed at least annually and reported to full Council, to ensure that it meets the principles of fairness, equality, accountability and value for money for the authority and its residents.

This publication is available in Welsh. It is available in other languages and formats on request.

Appendix A: njc pay structure 2023 / 24

Grade SCP Salary (from 1 April 2023) Foundation Living Wage 1 Nov 2023
Grade 1 2 £22,366 £23,152
Grade 2 3 £22,737 £23,152
Grade 3 4 £23,114 £23,152
Grade 4 5 £23,500
6 £23,893
Grade 5 7 £24,294
8 £24,702
9 £25,119
10 £25,545
11 £25,979
Grade 6 12 £26,421
13 £26,873
14 £27,334
15 £27,803
16 £28,282
17 £28,770
Grade 7 18 £29,269
19 £29,777
20 £30,296
21 £30,825
22 £31,364
23 £32,076
Grade 8 24 £33,024
25 £33,945
26 £34,834
27 £35,745
Grade 9 28 £36,648
29 £37,336
30 £38,223
31 £39,186
Grade 10 32 £40,221
33 £41,418
34 £42,403
35 £43,421
Grade 11 36 £44,428
37 £45,441
38 £46,464
39 £47,420
Grade 12 40 £48,474
41 £49,498
42 £50,512
43 £51,515


  1. The Foundation Living Wage rate applies from 1st November 2023.
  2. SCP 1 has been removed from the NJC Pay Spine with effect from 1st April 2023 in accordance with the NJC pay award for 2022.

Appendix B: soulbury pay structure 2023 / 24

Educational psychologists (scale a)

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
1 £42,442
2 £44,474
3 £46,525
4 £48,575
5 £50,627
6 £52,678
7 £54,609
8 £56,540
9 £58,348
10 £60,160
11 £61,848
12 £62,540*
13 £63,836*
14 £65,120*


  1. Pay scales to consist of 6 consecutive points, based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit, retain and motivate staff.
  2. * Extension to scale to accommodate structured professional assessment points.
  3. Three additional SCPs after point 11 with effect from 1 September 2023.
  4. The SCPs added indicate the addition of three pay ranges to the current ranges, namely: A1 – 6, A2 – 7, A3 – 8, A4 – 9, A5 – 10 and A6 – 11.
  5. SPA points will not be conflated with range points. This allows those local authorities with recruitment and retention challenges, and which have the budgetary flexibility, the option to utilise that additional headroom.

Senior / principal educational psychologists (scale b)

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
1 £52,678
2 £54,609
3 £56,540
4 £58,348
5 £60,160
6 £61,8948*
7 £62,540
8 £63,836
9 £65,120
10 £66,425
11 £67,706
12 £69,010
13 £70,337
14 £71,621
15 £72,966
16 £74,297
17 £75,637**
18 £76,976**
19 £80,055**
20 £83,257**
21 £86,587**


  1. Pay scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points, based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit, retain and motivate staff.
  2. * Normal minimum point for the Principal Educational Psychologist undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
  3. ** Extension to range to accommodate discretionary scale points and structured professional assessments
  4. Three additional SCPs after point 18 with effect from 1 September 2023

Trainee educational psychologists

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
2 £29,872
3 £31,770
4 £33,673
5 £35,572
6 £37,473


  1. SCP 1 is deleted with SCP 2 the first point of the scale with effect from 1 September 2023.

Assistant educational psychologists

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
2 £35,228
3 £36,531
4 £37,828
5 £39,341


  1. SCP 1 is deleted with SCP 2 the first point of the scale with effect from 1 September 2023.
  2. An additional point after SCP 4 with effect from 1 September 2023.

Education improvement professionals

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
1 £40,540
2 £41,920
3 £43,224
4 £44,545
5 £45,857
6 £47,170
7 £48,550
8 £49,878*
9 £51,425
10 £52,805
11 £54,166
12 £55,484
13 £56,976**
14 £58,308
15 £59,777
16 £61,106
17 £62,440
18 £63,748
19 £65,097
20 £65,794***
21 £67,133
22 £68,301
23 £69,586
24 £70,739
25 £71,971
26 £73,173
27 £74,403
28 £75,650
29 £76,899
30 £78,146
31 £79,382
32 £80,637
33 £81,894
34 £83,180
35 £84,465
36 £85,784
37 £87,083
38 £88,396
39 £89,691
40 £90,985
41 £92,285
42 £93,585
43 £94,883
44 £96,189
45 £97,490
46 £98,794
47 £100,102
48 £101,399
49 £102,700
50 £104,004
51 £108,164****
52 £112,491****


  1. Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit and motivate staff.
  2. *normal minimum point for EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
  3. **normal minimum point for senior EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
  4. ***normal minimum point for leading EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
  5. **** extension to range to accommodate structured professional assessments.
  6. Two additional points after SCP 50 with effect from 1 September 2023.

Appendix C: jnc youth and community workers pay structure 2023 / 24

Youth and community support worker

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
5 £23,496
6 £23,825
7 £24,121
8 £24,799
9 £25,664
10 £26,341
11 £27,434
12 £28,501
13 £29,606
14 £30,750
15 £31,528
16 £32,341
17 £33,141

Youth and community support worker (senior)

Spine Point Salary (from 1 Sep 2023)
13 £29,606
14 £30,750
15 £31,528
16 £32,341
17 £33,141
18 £33,946
19 £34,745
20 £35,547
21 £36,447
22 £37,467
23 £38,461
24 £39,459
25 £40,465
26 £41,470
27 £42,475
28 £43,493
29 £44,502
30 £45,513
31 £46,195*
32 £47,316*


  1. *Discretionary Points

Appendix D: jnc senior management pay structure with effect from 1 april 2023

All of the levels in the grading structure are linked to their evaluation under the Job Evaluation deployed for Senior roles i.e. Hay. This currently comprises of the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive & Directors posts, and 6 further bands from A+ to E. Band A & B are Heads of Service and band C - E covers all other senior posts in the JNC arrangements.

  Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 3 Increment 4
Chief Executive £153,111 N/A N/A N/A
Deputy Chief Executive £145,903 N/A N/A N/A
Director £125,025 £129,578 £134,128 £138,695
Band A+ Heads of Service £106,798 £110, 674 £114,554 £118,43
Band A Heads of Service £95,900 £99,375 £102,849 £106,334
Band B £74,553 £77,238 £79,924 £82,617
Band C £58,858 £60,754 £62,648 £64,547
Band D £52,429 £54,112 £55,795 £57,474
Band E £46,935 £47,966 £48,989 £49,997

In accordance with the decision of Council on 19th November 2019:

  • The post of Chief Executive has a spot salary.

In accordance with the decision of Council on 22nd November 2022:

  • The post of Deputy Chief Executive has a spot salary.

In accordance with the decision of Council on 17th January 2013:

  • There are no Officers employed currently in the Band A+.

Appendix E: all employee groups - main conditions of service

Chief Executive & Directors (JNC) days pa (No access to flexi leave)
Chief Officers (JNC); NJC; Soulbury; Youth & Community Workers. 30 days per annum for up to 5 years’ continuous local government service.34 days per annum for 5 years or more continuous local government service.
Where relevant individual employees are members of the flexible working hours scheme, they can benefit from 12 days flexi leave per calendar year.
Chief Executive (JNC); Chief Officers (JNC); NJC; Soulbury; Youth & Community Workers. Standard working week is 37 hours, unless contractually employed on set hours.
Chief Executive (JNC); Chief Officers (JNC). None
NJC; Soulbury; Youth & Community Workers. All employees who are required to work additional hours beyond the 37 hour working week (or beyond their contracted working pattern that averages a 37 hour working week (e.g. rota/annualized hours) are entitled to receive enhancements at the rate of basic pay at time and a half except for Public and Extra Statutory holidays where basic pay at double time will be paid.
Part-time employees are entitled to these enhancements only at times and in circumstances in which full-time employees would qualify. Otherwise, a part-time employee shall work a full working week (i.e. 37 hours) before these enhancements apply.
Employees required to work on an a Public and / or extra bank holiday as part of their normal working week shall, in addition to the normal pay for that day, be paid at plain time for all hours worked and will, in addition, receive a day’s leave in lieu of each day.
Employees required to work on a Public or extra bank holiday on their rest day shall be paid at double time for all hours worked and will, in addition, receive a day’s leave in lieu of each day.
Chief Executive (JNC); Chief Officers (JNC); NJC; Soulbury; Youth & Community Workers. During 1st year of service – 1 month’s full pay and (after completing 4 months service), 2 months half pay.
During 2nd year of service – 2 months full pay and 2 months half pay.
During 3rd year of service – 4 months full pay and 4 months half pay.
During 4th and 5th year of service – 5 months full pay and 5 months half pay.
After 5 years’ service – 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay.
Chief Executive (JNC); Chief Officers (JNC); NJC; Soulbury; Youth & Community Workers. All employees are eligible to pay into the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). The rate of contributions employees and employers contribute is based on pensionable earnings. The scheme administrator confirms the pay bands and contribution rates on an annual basis.

Appendix F: caerphilly county borough council local election fees

Returning officers fee

For each Electoral Division / Community Ward
For each 1000 Electors (or part) £99.32
For next 1000 Electors (or part) £56.49
For every subsequent 250 Electors (or part) £19.09
For each Electoral Division / Community Ward £89.57
POSTAL VOTES (SUPERVISION)* to be paid to DRO and or Assistant DRO’s
*NB - in this event no fee should be claimed by the DRO or Asst. DRO’s from the clerical fund for these duties.
Issue (for each paper) 0.40p
(minimum per Division / Ward) (30.02)
(minimum per casual vacancy) (86.95)
Receipt (for each paper) 0.40p
(minimum per Division / Ward) (30.02)
(minimum per casual vacancy) (86.95)
POLL CARDS (SUPERVISION)* to be paid to DRO and or Assistant DRO’s as above
Per 1000 or part issued 36.39
(minimum per casual vacancy) 51.94