Pay your business rates bill
There are several different methods of payment you can use:
Direct Debit
Set up direct debit
Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your business rates. Once the payment has been set up you will not have to do anything. You can choose to pay each month on:
- 5th, 15th, 25th, or 10 or 12 months
Make a payment online
Paying online is easy and secure. The cards we accept are Maestro UK, MasterCard Debit, Visa Debit (Delta, Electron), Visa Credit and MasterCard Credit.
By phone
You can pay bills and charges over the phone 24 hours a day using our automated payment line and any of the following cards
- Maestro UK
- MasterCard Debit
- Visa Debit (Delta, Electron)
- Visa Credit
- MasterCard Credit
Telephone 01443 863366
Post Office
Apply for a post office card
Post office cards can be used to pay:
- Council tax
- Housing rent
- Business rates
- Housing benefit overpayments
- Other invoices (by prior agreement)
You can make a payment at any post office using your card.
Cards can take up to 10 working days to be delivered, you must continue to make payments by another method until you receive your card.
Mobile banking
You will need the following details:
- Business rates account number shown on your bill
- Our bank account number 83532550
- Our sort code 20-10-42
- Our account name is ‘Caerphilly County Borough Council’