Strategic Equality Objectives 2020–2024


11 November 2019


6 December 2019


This Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 is being developed to demonstrate the Council's commitment to meeting the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) (Wales) Regulations 2011, which came into force on 6 April 2011.  It will highlight links to legislation and regulations covering the Welsh Language Standards and Human Rights issues and how it supports 3 of the 7 aims of the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015; A more equal Wales, A Wales of cohesive communities and A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.

Why are we consulting

This consultation aims to seek the views of staff, residents and stakeholders and elected members on the proposed Equality Objectives for 2020-2024 to clarify their views on the most appropriate actions for inclusion in the plan. This consultation will close on 6th December and the results will be used to inform our final Strategic Equality Plan, which will be implemented in April 2020.


Ways to give your views

Consultation is now closed 


If you would like this information in an alternative language or format please contact us on 01443 864404 or email

Date results are expected

The outcome of the consultation will be discussed at Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 25 February 2020 and available on the Council’s website from the Wednesday 19 February 2020.

Expected outcomes

We will provide a summary of views as a report.