GAVO provides support and advice for Community and Voluntary Groups as well as individuals who are interested in helping and supporting their community. Below is a list of the free advice and guidance GAVO can help you with:
Form a community group or charity:-
- Ensure your organisation is running effectively
- Organise events and community projects
- Consult and involve everyone
- Access funding for equipment and resources
- Grant finder searches
- Assistance with all levels of project development
- Improve community facilities
- With basic financial management
- Access local services
- Draw up a constitution
- Developing social enterprises
- Make your views heard
- Become aware of your rights and responsibilities
- Make and support links and contacts
- Network with other local groups and organisations
- Utilise our extensive training schedule
- Signposting you to other useful organisations
- Joining the voluntary sector liaison committee
- Partnership working
- Developing play and holiday activities for children and young people.
- Recruiting and supporting volunteering
Practical services
- Meeting room hire
- Photocopying
- Information Sheets
- Equipment loan
Please visit GAVO website for more information.