Anti-poverty strategy
Poverty harms people’s prospects and damages their long term future. It also places a burden on public resources and service. It is in all our interests to tackle poverty.
Caerphilly Council has a long track record of tackling poverty through a range of core services as well as the three Welsh Government funded programmes, Communities First, Flying Start, Families First and Supporting People. As a landlord we provide good quality homes and work hard to support our tenants and we are building upon this with our Welsh Housing Quality Standard improvement programme. We also work actively with our partners to tackle this priority as reflected in our single integrated plan, Caerphilly Delivers.
This Anti Poverty Strategy clearly states Caerphilly Council’s commitment to tackling poverty. It confirms the priority that we give to this issue. It also brings together the broad body of activity that we have in place to mitigate the impacts of poverty, to raise aspirations, to support people out of poverty, and to prevent poverty.
We need a comprehensive approach to tackling poverty and we realise that we cannot address poverty on our own, but we wish to set out our commitment to playing our part: Caerphilly Council is committed to ensuring its residents are able to live fulfilled lives and are not prevented from enjoying an acceptable standard of living due to economic, social or cultural disadvantage.