Chartist Garden Village
- Number: -
- Road(s): Orchid grove, Chartist Rise
- Town: Pontlanfraith Chartist Garden
- Postcode: NP12 2RR
Details of properties to be covered
Landlord(s) - Pobl
Count / Bedrooms / Type(s) - Mixed tenure Site consisting of:
- 6 x 1 bed flats
- 14 x 2 bed flats
- 8 x 2 bedroom houses
- 4 x 3 bedroom houses
- 1 x 3 bedroom bungalows
- 1 x 4 bedroom house
14 of the flats will be a block Over 55’s - Almshouse style apartments. The Almshouse block has been designed and intended to be let to over 55s – this is due to the level access, shared gardens, and location around the listed war memorial. 18 of apartments are level access and will be a B1 category and have wet rooms – there are 4 apartments accessed by easy going stairs, these apartments have shower trays and will be coded a D.
All houses on this site will also be level access and will be coded as a B1.
Reason for requesting a local lettings policy
POBL would like to create an LLP for all future lettings on the development which will enable us to create a balanced and sustainable community, therefore propose a mixture of applicants with less high needs and priorities to be considered.
Allocating on the basis of need alone could result in a high concentration of people with support needs, which may affect the balance/harmony of the estate.
The site will be made up of mixed tenure; comprising of shared ownership, social housing, and outright sales. We estimate some of the home ownership properties to be valued in excess of £450,000. It is also worth noting there will be strict convenance rules on site to adhere to, this is mainly due to the drainage system installed and the emphasis will be on customers to maintain there front gardens and no alterations to be made as this may cause potential flooding which Pobl can be fined.
Summary of evidence base to support local lettings policy
Objective of local lettings policy
To ensure that we create a balanced community. To Prevent any housing management issues arising, and to maintain a positive reputation as a social landlord.
Our goal is allocate properties to people who would not increase crime or exacerbate both POBL and other services. Our concern is that due to the amount of significant applicant with tenancy manage issues and potential history of crime and drug use could significantly increase crime further in Pontllanfraith and increase the load of already stretched services within the area.
Restrictions to be placed on lettings
No applicants with substance misuse issues in the last 3 years.
No applicants that have a poor tenancy reference in the past 3 years in relation to ASB, including where they have received the following:- an injunction, possession order, notice seeking possession, demotion notice or demotion order, Section 21 notice due to ASB, CBO, CPN, closure order).
Applicants coming via homelessness need to have a positive reference from the housing advice team with regards to their conduct in temporary accommodation. Also consideration will be given to homeless applicants who may have needs and evidence that they are working closely with support services. i.e move on or step forward.
Applicants from the general waiting list who are unable to demonstrate a positive history of sustaining via a Landlord reference must have either:
- A positive reference from a relevant support professional regarding general conduct or
- A reference from another professional who knows them in a personal capacity.
Any applicant that has unspent convictions for violent offences, theft/burglary and/or drug offences will not be considered.
Preference given to those in employment/training/volunteering or have a working history with a maximum cap of for employment we propose 4 x general needs flats 4 x over 55 and 1 x 2 bedroom house and 1 x 3 bed house.
Preference will also be considered for applicant with disabilities providing property type is suitable to their individual need, Every verification will completed on a case by case basis.
Priority will be given to previous nominations that were held for the Red Lion development, due to the amount of time applicants have been waiting. To date the time length is in excess of over 18 months and we would look to allocate our six one bedroom general need flats to these applicants already nominated for suitable properties.
Details of any community consultation
There are currently no occupants yet as the site is not complete.
Summary of equality impact assessment
We will not discriminate against prospective customers, as we acknowledge that as a social housing provider it is essential that we provide equal access to housing regardless of an individuals protected characteristics.
However our aim of implementing the LLP is that we want to create a balanced and safe community, with sustainability at the heart of our agenda. On that basis applicants will each be reviewed to assess their suitability against the criteria outlined above on a case-by-case basis, and flexibility will be exercised.
POBL will exercise their discretion around the allocations that will be made, so to ensure we meet the objectives set out.
Whilst we cannot fully prevent complex issues arising; we aim to create a healthy balance across the site so not to create clusters of problematic areas or forming areas that become unmanageable; which could in turn result in failed tenancies, an increase in void turnover and further homeless applications.
- Implementation date: From 1st handover
- Termination date: 12 months from first handover
- Review frequency: 9 months after first let
- Monitoring and review arrangements: Annual review
Requesting Officer
- Name: Natasha Williams
- Position: Neighbourhood Housing Manager
- Organisation: POBL
- Dated: -
Panel Decision
- Approved / Rejected: -
- Dated: -
- Decision details: -