Self-assessment Report

Welcome to the Caerphilly County Borough Council’s annual self-assessment.

In 2021 The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act came into law and set out a new approach for how Council’s assess and report on their effectiveness.

The legislation is designed to be a more streamlined, flexible, sector-led approach to performance, good governance, and improvement. The intention is for councils to be proactive in considering how internal processes and procedures should change, to enable more effective planning, delivery, and decision-making to drive better outcomes.

In the Act, there is a duty to keep under review, the extent to which the Council is fulfilling its performance requirements, which reflects on the extent to which the Council

  • is exercising its functions effectively.
  • is using its resources economically, efficiently, and effectively.
  • has effective governance in place for securing the above.

The Council must publish a self-assessment report once in every financial period, which considers the main learning points, and what it will do to improve upon them. The self-assessment report is a way of critically, and honestly, reviewing its current position, to make decisions on how to secure improvement for the future. The self-assessment report replaces the former Annual Performance Report.

The report includes sections on:

  • How we carry out self-assessment
  • How we monitor progress
  • Our Key Learning from 2022/23
  • Other Key Council Health Checks – Equalities and Welsh Language, Decarbonisation, Consultation and Engagement, Good Governance and Regulator Feedback
  • An update on our Well-being Objectives from 2022/23

Self Assessment Report 2022/23 - Accessible Version
Self Assessment Report 2022/23 - PDF
Well-being Objectives 2022/23 – Accessible Version
Well-being Objectives 2022/23 – PDF

The report was reviewed by Governance and Audit Committee on 15th February, scrutinised at Joint Scrutiny on 26th February, and approved by Cabinet on 6th March.

If you have any comments you would like to make about our self-assessment report or if you would like to suggest any future areas for improvement that should be a priority of the council, please contact the Business Improvement Unit.

The report is available in other formats on request.

The report supports the principles within Part 6, Chapter 1 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 statutory guidance.

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