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​The post-Christmas clear out

Posted on : 06 Jan 2023

​The post-Christmas clear out

The fridge has been raided, the gifts have been given and the decorations have been returned to the attic, and yet the house is still feeling slightly over-crowded… It’s time for the post-Christmas clear out.

January is the perfect time to sort through your belongings ready to start the New Year on a clean slate, but this shouldn’t mean adding to unnecessary waste.

Here are some of our helpful hints and tips for an environmentally conscious January clear out.

Reduce – Everything that we produce and consume has an impact on the environment. So making careful decisions about what we own is the number one way to help the environment. 

Not only that, but reducing the number of things that we buy and own can also help to save time, money and helps create a clutter-free life.

Reuse – Whilst you may not want or need a household item anymore, it may be exactly what someone else is looking for. Donating your pre-loved items to be used is a sustainable way to part with your belongings, whilst also giving to a good cause. 

Penallta Reuse Shop is the perfect opportunity to divert good condition, fit-for-purpose items from the waste stream and get them into the hands of people who can use them, for a great price.

Find out more:

Recycle – If there are some items that you own that cannot be reused or donated, make sure that they are disposed of them, by recycling where you can. 

Some of the items that are commonly placed in the incorrect bin include: candles, toys and ceramics. These cannot be recycled so should be placed with your household waste.

Repair – Everything we own will eventually break or wear out. When this happens we are often too quick to get rid of the item, but this produces a lot of unnecessary waste. 

Most items can easily be repaired, often for a fraction of the price of replacing the item.

Visit our online Repair Directory to find a local repair business:

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