Caerphilly wellbeing hub update
Posted on : 02 Jun 2023
Plans to build a new, state of the art leisure and wellbeing hub in the heart of Caerphilly are taking shape.
Activity will commence on site next week (Monday 5th June) as contractors begin to clear parts of the land to allow survey works to progress.
One of the key surveys to be completed includes Site Investigation works, which will help to establish the type of soil / rock underlying the site, so that the foundations and drainage can be designed.
Prior to these works starting, the site will be cleared of vegetation in discrete areas where the survey equipment needs to access.
An ecologist will be present to ensure no harm comes to any wildlife during the clearance works. These works will start on 5 June and should last one week.
Following the site clearance, specialist equipment will be used to take samples from the site in the areas that have been cleared of vegetation. These works will start in mid – late June and will take approximately two weeks.
The impressive new facility is being delivered thanks to a £20m cash boost from the government’s Levelling Up Fund. Caerphilly council is also contributing more than £13million from its own reserves towards the exciting new facility, which will be developed on land adjacent to Caerphilly Business Park.
Click here for more information about the exciting plans: