Building inspections
We inspect building work at regular intervals as it progresses to make sure the work complies with building regulations.
Stages of work that require inspection
There are nine potential stages of work that require inspection (although not all nine will be relevant to all jobs).
Commencement of work (notice required)
Excavation of foundations before concreting
Foundations when constructed
Oversite prior to concrete floor slab (before being laid)
Structures (Floor/Roof/Beams)
Occupation (in respect of a new property)
Completion of project
These inspections are not necessarily the only ones your building control officer will make. Some jobs will require extra specific inspections such as reinforcement of concrete structures and fire protection to a structure. In addition, an inspector may call unexpectedly at other times to check on the work in progress.
Booking an inspection
Request an inspection of building works>
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Requests for same day inspections must be submitted by 9.30am Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.