My Care My Home

Room R4 – Alder Suite, Mamhilad House, Mamhilad Park Estate, Pontypool, NP4 0HZ
Tel: 02921 673591
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Contract Monitoring Report

  • Name of Provider: My Care My Home
  • Date of Visit: 23 March 2023
  • Visiting Officers: Ceri Williams - Contract Monitoring Officer CCBC
  • Present: Joanne Davies – Responsible Individual / Registered Manager

My Care My Home are a registered domiciliary care provider, providing care and support to individuals within their own homes.

This is the first monitoring visit to be undertaken to this provider by the local authority.

Dependent on the findings within the report, My Care My Home will be given corrective and developmental actions to complete. Corrective actions are those which must be completed (as governed by legislation etc), and developmental actions are good practice recommendations.

Findings from Visit

Service Provision

Call monitoring records were viewed for two clients and compared to scheduled times. The records showed that calls were taking place within 30 mins of the scheduled call times.

Carer continuity for the two packages viewed was slightly over the threshold as set out in the contract.

Two staff rotas were viewed as part of monitoring. Sufficient travel time was built into the rotas for most of the calls however, some could be improved to allow carers sufficient time for carers to travel from one location to the next.

My Care my Home use a computerised care planning system called Careline Live. The system holds all individuals’ details, care plans, care calls required and also acts as a call monitoring system.

The system displays an alert if a call has not been logged into by a carer at the planned time. This alerts office staff who will then make enquiries with the carer.

An on-call system is used out of hours. The care co-ordinator or care supervisor will monitor the system via laptop or mobile phone to check for any alerts and are also available should care staff need support.

Care staff can access all details of care plans and tasks required at the call via an app on mobile phones. This lists tasks required, and staff have to tick off all listed tasks before the system will allow them to log out of the call and also allows for recording of daily records. The app can also be made available to individuals’ families or representatives.

Care & Service Planning Process

My Care My Home have a comprehensive care planning document. It includes care and support needs, medical conditions, outcomes to be achieved and also what can be achieved independently by the individual.

Two clients’ files were viewed at the monitoring visit. Both client’s files contained a CCBC Care and Support Plan. All identified needs from the CCBC care and support plan were included on the My Care My Home personal plans.

A detailed life history of the individual is included in the assessment.

The personal plans viewed both included detailed and clear instructions on what support was needed on each call. Both plans were person centred, and included likes, dislikes, routines and, abilities of what could be achieved independently.

Both personal plans contained excellent level of detail for care staff on how to support individuals and how their medical conditions can have an effect on their abilities to accomplish tasks independently.

There were suitable risk assessments in place on both files viewed which accurately described any risks identified with providing care and support and actions to be taken should the risks occur.

The level of detail in the personal plans evidenced that the individual had obviously been involved in the production of the plan.  It was also noted on file if there had been contributions made to the plan by a family member or representative.

Daily records are captured electronically using the app. This provides digital evidence of date, time of call and staff member. Daily recordings are able to be viewed on screen or a report is also available to be printed.

Daily records reports were provided to the monitoring officer at the visit. They evidenced a good standard of recording, with all care and support tasks completed and also comments on the general well-being of the individual at the time of the call.

Reviews of personal plans and risk assessments are carried out within necessary timescales set out in regulations.

Reviews are meaningful and undertaken with the individual receiving care and support. They also include aspects of the quality of care provision and any actions to be completed following a review.

Recruitment Training & Supervision

Two staff files were viewed; they both included required information such as detailed application form, record of interview and signed contracts of employment.

Both files contained evidence of references sought from previous employers.

There were copies of documents proving identity on both files and recent photograph’s present.

Disclosure Barring Service checks are applied for and proof that they are received and clear is kept on file. This information was present for both staff files checked.

Staff undertake shadowing process with an experienced member of staff when employed, this process is overseen and signed off by a senior carer.

Staff stop checks are carried out three monthly and include time of arrival, dress code, PPE, service delivery, overall performance and any further actions identified by the spot check.

Separate competency checks regarding administration of medication and moving and handling are also carried out annually.

Staff attend a two day induction on commencement of employment and follow the Social Care All Wales Induction Framework.

The provider does not have a training matrix as all training records are kept digitally and assigned to each staff member. The digital system allows the manager to view what training is due or overdue and the manager will then alert staff to remind them to complete the training.

Most training courses are now accessed online by staff with the exception being First Aid and Moving Handling which are face to face training courses.

Supervision frequency is also recorded digitally on the CareLine Live system which allows the manager to identify and upcoming or overdue supervision sessions for staff.

Staff receive supervision within the timeframes set out in regulations. Evidence of supervision sessions with staff was viewed at the monitoring visit. Supervision sessions were meaningful and included personal well-being, service delivery, any concerns regarding the individuals they support, performance and personal development and any action agreed.

Evidence of annual appraisals was also available for staff which covered areas such as achievements, problems/difficulties, objectives, training, personal and professional qualities. Feedback from the manager and any actions are also recorded.

Team meetings are held with staff every two months which is within the timeframe set in regulations. Minutes were available and evidenced a range of topics discussed with staff including travel time, call times, client issues, training, confidentiality, sickness policy, phone usage and shadowing.

Quality Assurance

A copy of the most recent bi-annual quality assurance report was provided dated January 2023. The report gained feedback from individuals receiving a service by way of the three-monthly reviews carried out.

The QA report evidenced that overall individuals were satisfied with the care and support they receive. Areas for improvement were identified and these areas were addressed with actions and timescales to be completed.

A discussion was held with the R.I./R.M. regarding quarterly reports under regulation 73 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016. The visits and feedback from staff and individuals are currently not being captured every three months as required by regulations.

A number of individuals receiving service from My Care My Home were contacted for feedback. No concerns were raised from any of the individuals or representatives with all feedback being positive regarding the quality of care and the care staff.

Corrective / Developmental Actions


To ensure sufficient travel time is built into rota’s taking into account the distance between the location of one scheduled visit and the next scheduled visit. (Regulation 41, Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (RISCA)).

R.I. to commence quarterly visits to individuals receiving the service and meetings with staff to monitor the performance of the service. (Reg 73 RISCA).

Any regulation 60 notifications submitted to the regulator to also be copied to CCBC Commissioning. (CCBC Contract).


There were no developmental actions identified at this visit.


It was a positive monitoring visit to My Care My Home. Files were well organised, detailed, and informative and all information requested was easily available. Improvements made during the year were evidenced with a clear commitment to ongoing improvement and quality of care. The monitoring officer would like to thank My Care My Home staff for their time and hospitality during the visit.

  • Author: Ceri Williams
  • Designation: Contract Monitoring Officer
  • Date: 14/04/2023