Volunteering and befriending
The Volunteer Service supports vulnerable adults within Caerphilly county borough to access social and leisure facilities and companionship within their own community.
We offer the opportunity to link volunteers with vulnerable adults who share similar interests, hobbies and values to their own.
What do volunteers do?
Depending on how much time volunteers can give they would accompany an individual to access facilities within their local community such as the cinema, shopping, meeting up for a drink and chat or leisure facilities etc.
Activities will vary depending on the abilities of the individual and the volunteer. For those less able, it may be sharing time together in the individuals own home or simply just picking up the phone for a chat, or volunteering within a day service or residential setting. For those of you who enjoy specific hobbies it could be, you sharing your skills with a group of people.
"I do loads with my volunteer, we go bowling, to the cinema and we eat out. She is a very good friend and I am so glad I have her as a volunteer."
"I live in a residential home and I really look forward to my volunteer visits, when I'm fed up I can't wait for him to come and cheer me up, he is very kind a good friend to me".
"Since I have met H we have accessed a computer course together and she can now email me, its so nice to see her smiling and her confidence has really grown. I am so pleased that I have been able to help her."
Who can become a volunteer?
Anyone over the age of 18 that can spare some time on a long or short term basis can become a volunteer. No previous experience is needed but checks are undertaken to ensure that you are suitable.
Volunteers may be retired, studying, employed or unemployed or looking for a career change or just want to give something back.
Remember, if you do voluntary work while you are claiming unemployment benefits, your benefits should not be affected. However you may wish to contact the Department of Works and Pensions for further advice.
"I am currently studying to be a nurse and have been a volunteer for 2 years. I meet up with two ladies nearly every week and the three of us look forward to spending time together, its an amazing way to volunteer because I don't feel that I am working I am spending time with two ladies that have become my friends."
"When I was at a very low ebb in my life I decided to volunteer. Volunteering has not only given me a new lease of life its given me a lot of satisfaction being able to help others. I am partially disabled myself and through volunteering I realised I had something to offer, it's changed my life and its so rewarding".
What support and training is offered?
Regular contact, support and guidance is given. Volunteers are also able to access training on an ongoing basis. This training is free and covers a wide range of both general and specific topics such as:
- Epilepsy and Autism Awareness
- Dementia
- POVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adults)
- Visual Impairment Awareness
- Fundamentals of Care
- Basic First Aid
- Mental Health Awareness
- and so much more...
What about costs?
The person that the volunteer accompanies will cover all of their own expenses. Expenses that the volunteer may incur, such as bus and train fares, car mileage allowances, entrance fees and refreshments can be claimed back. More information is available from the team within the Volunteer Service.
Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and just want to find out more, please contact Caerphilly Cares or complete our online express an interest form and someone will get back to you.
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