
If you have ever fancied trying your hand at gardening and are interested in fresh air and even fresher food, why not rent an allotment plot.

There are approximately 80 allotment sites across the county borough with over 2000 plots under cultivation. There is plenty of support available from the local and national federations with specialist advice, tips for newcomers and low cost seed, compost and fertilisers available.

Renting an allotment

The allotments in Caerphilly County Borough are administered by: -

  • Rhymney Valley Allotments Federation (RVAF) - David Rees 01443 837499 or Mr Reg Carroll 01443 833775/07832028216 email
  • Allotments in the former Islwyn area should contactHannah Stacey (Area Officer - Allotments) on 01443 811458 | 07788 547350 or email for contact details of the allotment secretaries..

Costs of renting an allotment

Plots are measured in PERCH, which is an old-fashioned measurement. A PERCH is 25 sq metres or 30.25 sq yards. Most plots vary in size from 125 sq metres (5 Perch) to 250 sq metres (10 Perch).

The cost of renting a plot varies and is set by the allotment committees managing the site.

Benefits of renting an allotment

  • Fresh air and exercise - Allotment gardening can be a very rewarding pastime and gives you the opportunity for healthy exercise, fresh air and relaxation
  • Fresh home grown produce - home grown vegetables are always far tastier than those bought in the shops and at a fraction of the price, and with no artificial additives! Don't forget, produce that you grow is for private consumption only and should not be sold for profit
  • Organic produce - Many people take up allotment plots because they know that the vegetables they grow are free from harmful chemicals and they haven't exploited anyone's labour in their production. If you grow organically you will learn to work with nature to control pests and diseases and produce food that is chemical-free
  • ​Meeting people and making new friends - Renting an allotment is a great way to meet people and make new friends. Many allotments have a thriving social scene you can join in with and enjoy chatting to others with like-minded interests

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