Apply for Community Landlord housing

We now operate a 'Common Housing Register' whereby you can apply for Community Landlord housing with the council and other Community Landlords in the Caerphilly county borough with a single online application.

If you would like to apply for Community Landlord housing you will need to complete our online housing application form.

Common Housing Register privacy notice (PDF)

If you feel you may have difficulties completing the online form, please contact us on 01443 873521.

How are the homes allocated?

All properties let by the housing providers through the Common Housing Register are let in accordance with the Common Allocation Policy.

Homes ready to rent

Every week we publish a list of properties that are 'ready to rent', provided the property is suitable for your needs. For details visit our Homes ready to rent webpage.

What is the Common Housing Register?

The Common Housing Register provides a single point of access for all people interested in Community Landlord housing, accessible housing or low cost homeownership in Caerphilly county borough. 

The Common Housing Register was introduced on the 5 December 2016 and replaces all housing registers maintained by the council and our partners.

Who is involved?

The following organisations are involved in the project:

  • Aelwyd Housing Association
  • Caerphilly Homes (Caerphilly County Borough Council)
  • Cadwyn Housing Association
  • Pobl
  • United Welsh 
  • Wales & West Housing 

How we will use your information

Your information will be processed by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Common Housing Register Assessment Team and other social housing providers that operate within the Caerphilly County Borough Council area, in order to assess your eligibility to be admitted onto the Common Housing Register, to determine the level of priority that may be awarded to your application and other associated matters. We are relying on your consent to process your information which may be withdrawn.

The information you submit in your Common Housing Register application will be used to assess your eligibility and used to determine your category of housing need. Based on your category of housing need you may be offered suitable Community Landlord housing when it becomes available. This process contains some elements of automatic decision making.

In order to assess your application and to ensure the accuracy of the information you have supplied, Caerphilly County Borough Council's Common Housing Register Assessment Team and/or other Community Landlord housing providers may request information from and pass information to other bodies. We may also use the information you have provided to prevent and detect fraud and may also request information from and pass information to other organisations that handle public funds.

Any information on your Common Housing Register application form that relates to a private sector landlords, agents or rented properties may be shared with Caerphilly County Borough Council's Environmental Health team.

The information we hold regarding your Common Housing Register application, including any associated documents, will generally be kept for 7 years but this may be longer in certain circumstances.

You have a number of rights in relation to the information including the right of access to information we hold about you and the right of complaint if you are unhappy with the way your information is being processed.

Further information on how we process your information and your rights please click here.

In order to complete an assessment of an applicant’s circumstances, Caerphilly County Borough Council may request additional information using a prescribed form. Further information on how we process this information and information rights is available in the document below.

Common Housing Register - Third party information in support of an application (PDF)

Further information

For further information about the Common Housing Register, please call 01443 873521 or email

Contact us