Community Support Fund

The Community Support Fund is available for groups and organisations to access funding to deliver community-based activity. The overall purpose of the funding is broad and any application would need to focus one or more of the following criteria:

  • Cost of Living Crisis
  • Loneliness & Isolation
  • Food Poverty
  • Education & Training
  •  Volunteering

Within your application, you will need to clearly demonstrate how your project meets each relevant criteria and how you will monitor the effect the funding will have on people and community in which you are delivering.

The funding round will fund projects to run across a six-month period. (1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024)

Organisations can only apply to the fund once during the six-month period.

Each application will need to be discussed with and signed off by a Caerphilly Cares Development Officer to ensure the Terms & Conditions of the fund are met and that you have the necessary support to maximise the impact of your project.

To finalise your application you will need to complete the finance template which you can obtain from your Caerphilly Cares contact.

If you are not already in contact with a Caerphilly Cares Officer and would like to apply, please contact us on 01443 811490 or email