Policy on Awarding Grants
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 established a legal framework to impose a duty on local authorities to comply with Standards of conduct in relation to the Welsh Language. In particular, this means that Local Authorities cannot treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, and must promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language therefore making it easier for people to use it in their daily life.
The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011’s aim is not to treat Welsh and English on the basis of equality but rather to have positive effects on the Welsh language. As such, the Measure allows bodies to exercise this aim independently of any effect on the English language.
There are two key principles to the Welsh Language Measure, that:
- The Welsh language should be treated no less favourably than the English language.
- People living in Wales should be able to live their lives through the medium of Welsh if they choose to do so.
Caerphilly County Borough Council has been implementing the Welsh Language Standards since 2016, and they affect all areas of the Council’s work.The Welsh Language Commissioner may apply a selection of sanctions, including financial sanctions, for each proven breach of a standard.
Standard 94 in our Compliance Notice requires the Council to produce and publish a policy on awarding grants.This policy enables us to consider what effects (positive or negative) awarding a grant would have on opportunities for people to use the Welsh language, and not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language.The policy also enables us to consider how awarding a grant could have positive effects, or more positive effects on the Welsh language, and that any grant do not have a negative effect.
Policy on Awarding Grants