Understanding Autism
The National Neurodivergence Team has developed two online training modules for anyone to access.
- The ‘understanding autism’ module provides a basic level of understanding of autism and the ways in which it can affect the daily lives of autistic people. It includes advice on things people can do, to be more understanding of autism.
- The ‘understanding effective communication and autism’ module aims to improve understanding of communication differences, how best to communicate, and to increase awareness of the impact that environmental factors can have on autistic people's communication.
Community of Practice
There are a range of recordings available from the Community of Practice events.
These events focus on a range of different neurodivergent conditions, and issues that impact the neurodivergent community.
Children's Autism Support Service (CASS)
Trinity Fields School offer information and training, including post diagnosis training for families.
Integrated Autism Service (IAS)
IAS also offer training to families and adults with autism, as well as post diagnostic course for individuals waiting for a diagnosis thinking about:
- A positive and empowering course developed for people with autism (you will need to have a diagnosis of ASD to attend)
- It will enable you to have an understanding of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- We will talk about different topics to do with your diagnosis
- We will develop some ideas together that may help you with some of the difficulties you have
- The course will last for 6 sessions, each session will last about 2 hours and we will have a 15 minute break in the middle of each session.
Parents & Carers Virtual Advice Sessions
Online information sessions for parents and carers, providing information about a range of topics relating to neurodivergence. Each session consists of a presentation, followed by a Q&A.
Other local organisations and charities can also provide further training & advice: