Pre-planning application guidance
Why use the pre-planning application service?
Early discussion can assist in achieving the best outcome for your application and the surrounding area.
To provide you at an early stage with information about planning considerations, risks and issues around your proposal and how you may overcome them.
To provide you with information on any financial contributions or community benefits that may be applicable
It may speed up processing of any subsequent planning application.
This service is chargeable, and the fees are set by Welsh Government.
Pre-planning application services we offer?
We offer a statutory service and offer 2 additional levels of service:
Statutory pre-planning application advice service (required by Welsh Government).
Joint Pre Planning and SUDS Application.
Additional service provided by us.
Confidentiality of information
Information related to pre-application discussions may be subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
The Act and the Regulations provide for some exemptions from the need to disclose commercially sensitive information and in cases where applicants consider that specific information is exempt from the requirements of the Act or the Regulations, the justification for their position should be provided to the Local Planning Authority (LPA).