Apply for pre-planning application advice - Statutory

The more information that can be provided, the more accurate and helpful our response can be.

This will enable us to provide a written response to all valid enquiries and as a minimum we will aim to provide the following:

  • relevant planning history of the site
  • relevant development plan policies against which the development proposal will be assessed
  • relevant supplementary planning guidance
  • any other material planning considerations
  • an initial assessment of the proposed development, based on the information above
  • check any Welsh Water sewers that may in in the vicinity

As well as whether any Section 106 or Community Infrastructure Levy contributions are likely to be sought, along with an indication of the scope and amount of those contributions, details of any documents and particulars, that would be required for a subsequent application to be a valid application.

On complex issues be prepared to seek private professional help – our service is not intended to be an alternative to employing professional consultants.

To complete a pre-planning application advice form, please ensure you include a site location plan, any additional supporting information and the relevant fee.






  • The enlargement, improvement or alteration of an existing dwelling house within garden curtilage
  • Eg. Extension, enclosures, garden building 


Minor Development

  • Fewer than 10 dwelling houses to be created
  • Site area of less than 0.5 hectare
  • Non-residential - change of use or mixed use where the gross floor space is less than 1000m2


Major Development

  • 10 - 24 dwelling houses to be created
  • 1000m2 - less than 2000m2 floorspace
  • Site area of between 0.5 hectare and less than 1 hectare
  • Non-residential, Change of Use or mixed use where the gross floor space is more than 1000m2 but less than 2000m2
  • The winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral working deposits
  • Waste development


Large Major Development

  • 25 or more dwelling houses to be created
  • more than 2000m2 floorspace
  • Site area more than 0.99 hectares
  • Non-residential, Change of Use or mixed use where the gross floor space is more than 2000m2


Other Advice



Providing the planning history of a site:

Householder (involving no more than one dwelling)

£63.95 (inclusive of VAT)

Other Development

£159.86 (inclusive of VAT)

Advising whether a particular development has had its permitted development rights removed by condition

£63.95 (inclusive of VAT)

Advice on whether conditions have been discharged:

Householder (involving no more than one dwelling)

£63.95 (inclusive of VAT)

Other Development

£159.86 (inclusive of VAT)

If you are unsure whether your project would need permission or if it is Lawful. We recommend that you submit an application for a Certificate of Lawfulness.

Listed building consent - Pre Application advice




£132.30 (inclusive of VAT)

Floorspace < 999m2 

£275.63 (inclusive of VAT)

Floorspace 1000m2 – 1999m2

£661.50 (inclusive of VAT)

Floorspace > 1999m2

£1102.50 (inclusive of VAT)

A meeting with an officer on site or at the office would incur an additional charge equivalent to 35% of the standard charge.

All fees are non-refundable, and a fee will still have to accompany any subsequent planning application in accordance with the appropriate regulations. Multiple requests will be charged individually. Once the Local Planning Authority has written a reply about an enquiry, any further enquiries about the same matter will be charged at the original rate.