Pre-application advice fees and SAB fees


Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


The enlargement, improvement or alteration of an existing dwelling house within garden curtilage
E.g. Extension, enclosures, garden building

£26.25 + VAT


£52.50 inc VAT

£52.50 minimum for combined service, but anticipated to mostly fall below the SAB threshold of 100m²

Single Dwelling Only

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


Single Residential Dwelling House only
be created Site area of less than 0.5 hectare
Non-residential - change of use or mixed use where the gross floor space is less than 1000m2

£262.50 + VAT

£264+VAT for single dwelling

£262.50 + VAT

Discounted fee to encourage engagement from SME’s and self build.
Includes a “free” online meeting and informal consultation with internal consultees. Where formal consultation with internal & external consultees is requested, an additional fee may be required (see below).

Minor Development

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


2 - 10 dwelling houses to be created Site area of less than 0.5 hectare
Non-residential - change of use or mixed use where the gross floor space is less than 1000m2

£262.50 + VAT

£528 + VAT (2-9 dwellings)

£525 + VAT

Discounted fee to encourage engagement from SME’s and self build.
Includes a “free” online meeting and informal consultation with internal consultees. Where formal consultation with internal & external consultees is requested, an additional fee may be required (see below).

Major Development

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


10 - 24 dwelling houses to be created 1000m2 - less than 2000m2 floorspace
Site area of between 0.5 hectare and less than 1 hectare
Non-residential, Change of Use or mixed use where the gross floor space is more than 1000m2 but less than 2000m2
The winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral- working deposits
Waste development

£630 + VAT

£1320.00+ VAT

£1575 +

Discounted fee to encourage engagement from SME’s and self build.
Includes a “free” online meeting and informal consultation with internal consultees. Where formal consultation with internal & external consultees is requested, an additional fee may be required (see below).

Large Major Development

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


25 or more dwelling houses to be created more than 2000m2 floorspace
Site area more than 0.99 hectares
Non-residential, Change of Use or mixed use where the gross floor space is more than 2000m2

£1050 + VAT

£1312.50 + VAT

£2362.50 + VAT

No discount given the scale.
Includes a “free” online meeting and informal consultation with internal consultees. Where formal consultation with internal & external consultees is requested, an additional fee may be required (see below).

Strategic Sites

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


DNS / NSIPs / Planning Performance Agreements; sites requiring an EIA




Not many applications of this nature, but to be assessed on a site-by-site basis

Additional Services

Planning Fee

SAB fee

Joint fee


Consult statutory and non-statutory consultees within Caerphilly County Borough Council.

30% + VAT



Informal consultation with internal consultees incorporated into above where possible. If formal or detailed consultation with internal or external consultees is required, an additional fee may be required.

Meetings with officers on site

30% + VAT

£154.35 + VAT

30% + VAT

Online (Teams) meeting included in pre-app offers above.
Site meetings available at additional fee
 Suggested combined service would be:
Householder - £15.75
Single Dwelling - £78.75
Minor -  £157.50
Major - £472.50
Large Major - £708.75

Advice on the information needed to make an application valid on submission

30% + VAT


30% + VAT

General information on validation requirements will be provided with the pre-app response; where applicants are looking at specific aspects a fee may be required.

Technical Advice


£66 per hour + VAT

£63 per hour +VAT

Additional technical advice following pre-application advice on specific aspects of Sustainable Drainage application (e.g. review of hydraulic calculations). Service level and cost to be agreed prior to commencement of activity. Minimum 2-hr charge.