SAB pre-application / Additional services

The requirement for compliant SuDs will steer the layout and approval process on developments. We strongly recommend that developers consider early engagement during the conceptual design/ pre-application phase – particularly for large sites which are intended to be developed in phases.  

The benefits of pre-application include:

  • early discussion can assist in achieving the best outcome for your application.
  • to provide you with information about considerations, risks and issues around your proposal and how you may overcome them
  • to provide you with information on how Sustainable drainage will affect the development layouts.
  • to speed up the application process
  • discussion around concept design will provide initial ideas for the management of surface water within a development, in accordance with the National Standards.

We strongly recommend that you agree all details with the SAB and other relevant bodies during pre-application discussions prior to submitting an application. Such discussion can occur before land purchase to account for the inclusion of compliant SuDs. 

Who can apply for pre-application discussions?

Anyone can apply for pre-application advice but you might want to check that you actually need Sustainable Drainage Approval for your proposal.

How to apply for pre-application advice?

In order for pre-application to be productive and worthwhile to all parties and to provide advice, we will require the submission of upfront information.

Key information which should be made available for productive pre-application discussion includes (without this information it will be very challenging to understand how compliant/ types of SuDs can be introduced into the development);

  • Assessment of existing flood risk from all sources
  • Details of ground conditions / site investigations
  • Details of site topography
  • Details of Natural overland flows routes
  • Details of existing watercourses, site boundaries.
  • Details of sensitive environments and their ability to be affected by development.
  • National Standards principles and standards compliance statement

Pre-application is a discretionary service and details of the fees associated with pre-application engagement are provided in the attached document:

Please see submitting an application for a copy of the pre-application form and supporting guidance. 

Please note

The purpose of discretionary services is for the developer to have initial contact with the sustainable drainage approval body to explain the nature of the development, and for officers to bring the National Standards or issues of concern to the developers attention. Officers will not be in a position at this stage to resolve issues or come to any final conclusions about the scheme.

This will be an opportunity for the developer to become aware of those views, and take account of them in the submission of a formal application. At this stage, the Council cannot review detailed design submissions such as hydraulic calculations, environmental statements or viability assessments. 

The additional services described above do not prejudice determination of any application.

We will provide these discretionary services within 60 days of submission of the relevant documentation and associated fees. Full fees are to be paid upfront, and are non-refundable. VAT will also be charged on additional services.

As part of our commitment to improve services we are offering a joint pre-application service for planning permission and SuDS (sustainable drainage systems) to speed up the process, and assist in achieving the best outcome for your application.

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