School admissions appeals

All school places are allocated in line with the school admissions criteria.

In the majority of cases, children are offered places at their parents' first choice of school. However, if your child is not offered a place you will need to decide whether you are willing to accept a place at a different school, or whether you wish to appeal.

If you choose to appeal, your appeal will be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel. This panel will judge whether the school is full and, should that be the case, whether the parent's application is so strong that the child should still be offered a place. It should be noted that nursery age pupils have no right of appeal.

Appeals Guidance For Parents (PDF)

School admissions and appeals code

The 'School admissions code' and the 'School admissions appeals code' have been produced by the Welsh Government and explain the statutory guidance that must be followed when allocating school places in all primary, secondary and middle schools.

How to appeal

You must appeal in writing within 28 calendar days of you being notified of the decision not to admit your child to your chosen school.

Appeal Now
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Alternatively, you can email

What happens next?

Your appeal will be referred to our legal department who will arrange for the appeal to be heard by an Independent Appeal Panel and will set a time and place for the hearing.

You will be given an opportunity to attend the hearing and making their representations (oral and/or written). Parents are advised that agenciessuch as SNAP Cymru and ACE are available to provide assistance in making appeals.

Please be advised that:

  • Parents do not have to attend the appeal meeting and, instead, allow the appeal to be considered on a written statement
  • If you do not attend the hearing, the appeal will be decided on the information available
  • You will be given at least fourteen days (from the date of posting) written notice of the meeting of the appeal panel
  • You are welcome to be accompanied by a friend or represented by a solicitor. If represented by a solicitor, parents must inform us at least seven days before the hearing.
  • You should note that if your appeal is against decisions of the governing body of a voluntary aided or foundation school, these appeals are heared by a separate appeal panel. For guidance on these appeals, please contact the school concerned.
  • You should also note that limitations will be placed on the powers of the appeal panel to allow appeals against the refusal to admit a child to a school where infant class size legislation applies. We will not consider a second admission application unless there is a significant change in circumstances (which will need to be evidenced).