Childcare and Activities Outside of School
Children and families can access Welsh medium provision before they start school. Ti a Fi are parent and toddler groups. Dechrau’n Deg offers Flying Start for 2year-olds. Cylch Meithrin is preschool childcare for 2-3year-olds.
Mudiad Meithrin support the development of new Welsh medium childcare across Wales.
Once they start school every Primary school offers opportunities for Welsh medium childcare. Clwb Meithrin is wraparound for 3-4year-olds. Clwb Carco is after school for 4-11year-olds. Menter Iaith and Urdd offer youth clubs and events for young people.
There are 20 Welsh medium registered Childcare providers in Caerphilly borough.
Urdd Gobaith Cymru is a national voluntary youth organisation. They provide opportunities for children and young people across Caerphilly Borough. Young people can access a range of experiences in Welsh, including after school clubs.
Check with your local school for more information about groups and clubs.
Menter Iaith Caerffili aims to promote and increase the use of Welsh language. They deliver a range of experiences. These include coffee mornings, walking groups, various workshops for Welsh learners. They also offer Welsh medium out of school care and activities.