Welsh in Education Strategic Plan
We have an ambitious target to increase the number of pupils taught through the medium of Welsh by 2032. There are high level actions throughout our Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.
The plan outlines how we intend to work with the Welsh Government and a wide range of stakeholders. The plan supports the Cymraeg 2050 ambition of 1 million Welsh speakers. The plan supports the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and Programme for Government. A vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language regardless of socio demographic context.
The plan links to other plans and strategies:
Our 10 year target is to increase the places in year 1 to between 26% (520) of children in Welsh medium education by 2030/31.
This target of 26% for learners in year 1 by 2032 is set by Welsh Government to meet the 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050. To meet this ambitious target, we will need to build a new Primary School and expand others to create the places. We will need a communication plan to increase the take up of places. We will start with creating extra provision in Ti a Fi and Cylchoedd in the early years.
When we expand our Welsh medium provision, we will need more Welsh speaking workforce. The five year action plan and the annual action plan has more detail. The annual report shows the distance travelled each year.