Social Services and Health

Caerphilly Social Services

It is vital for you and/or your carer to think about what is important. 

  • What is important to you in your day-to-day life?
  • Are there times when it is difficult to achieve what is important to you? 

If you experience this, it might be time to have a collaborative conversation with our Information, Advice and Assistance Team. 

This will give you the opportunity to share your experiences and unique set of circumstances. 

Following this you may be supported by receiving additional information/resources, or maybe signposted to other services. 

If it is collectively felt that this is not enough support at this time, then your details may be forwarded onto a Social Work team, where you will be given the opportunity to have a more detailed conversation, which may then be followed by an assessment of need.


Safety and welfare

If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child or a vulnerable adult or someone appears to have unmet care & support needs, please tell us:


Mental health & wellbeing support

Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time of life, and it can be different for everyone. It is essential that you look after emotional wellbeing and if you have any worries about your own mental health or that of someone you care for you should visit your GP for advice and support in the first instance. 

Your GP can talk about:

  • Talk about your problems
  • Check whether your problems have a physical cause
  • Give you medicine for depression, anxiety and other conditions
  • Ask you to see a counsellor
  • Send you to hospital
  • Refer you to an appropriate service (referral to Social Services are usually made by your GP)

For more information visit Caerphilly County Borough Council's Mental Health for Adults webpage.

Unpaid carers

If you are a carer for someone you may be able to get a carer's needs assessment. This will look at what support or services you may be entitled too. Any carer who provides unpaid care for someone with health or social care needs can request an assessment.

There is also a useful guide, which can help you with what to think about prior to your assessment.

Even if you do not want a carers needs assessment, you may want some information, advice, or extra support to help you in your caring role. 

Here is the latest edition of Carers News – the newsletter written for carers in Caerphilly county borough.

If you are a young carer or support a young carer, further information can found on our dedicated webpage. There is also a dedicated Facebook group for Caerphilly Young Carers, which can be found by searching 'Caerphilly County Borough Young Carers Group' on Facebook.