Garage and hardstand plots
Here you will find details of the available garage and hardstand plots available to lease. The plot can be used for housing a tax and insured private motor vehicle that is used on a regular basis. Should you wish to build a garage it will need to be constructed to the Council’s specification. Please view minimum specification here.
Tenants are fully responsible for all maintenance and liability for the garage structure and the plot. Planning permission will be needed prior to any building work commencing. Please contact the Planning department on 01443 866416 or Lisa Jennings 01443 864102 to discuss further.
Getting in touch
If you would like to speak to a member of the Estates Team, please contact Lisa Jennings on 01443 864102
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If you would like to apply to use, lease or purchase land or property, please complete our application form. Alternatively, you can download and print a paper version of the application form.